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I am joined by comedian @thenoelmiller to be geckos and talk to people on the phone. Noel is best known as a comedian, musician, and host of the Tiny Meat Gang podcast. He is also a nice guy.

Callers include a girl who is hesitant about her long-distance relationship working out, a caller being charged as a domestic terrorist, a man who is addicted to sleeping with straight married men, a woman regretting her tattoo decision, and a person who is haunted by a lifelong prank.

I am a gecko.

0:00 – Intro
0:51 – Noel’s most persistent thought?
09:45 – Crumble?
13:17 – Long-distance relationship
26:15 – Being charged as a domestic terrorist
46:52 – Sleeping with straight married men
01:06:28 – Regrettable tattoo
01:24:58 – Haunted by a lifelong prank
01:43:52 – Thank you Noel Miller

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Lyle Forever

About Post Author

Lyle Forever

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34 thoughts on “NOEL MILLER GIVES ADVICE AS A GECKO – Therapy Gecko

  1. So I find therapy Gecko. Realize he's absolutely amazing, and that he gonna blow up. Like, he gonna be big, people will know him, his work will be significant and treasured. I'm like, Woah he does streams with guests! Lil Yachty? Damn that's like big for my bro Geck here. Proud of him, I cried a tear. I'm trippin, I didn't expect to find that he's already big and has done streams with like, people I recognize. A lot of them. And people I'm glad to get to know, like I don't know how I didn't come across some of these peeps before cause they are famous individuals. The Geck is the man. Lizard. Man-lizard. He already made it.

  2. This why I got all animals that have spiritual meanings behind them like wisdom patients strength and they’re beautiful animals so when I’m 60 I can’t be like dam why did I get this when I was in my 20’s

  3. not to psychoanalyze him but I think the guy who sleeps with straight married men has a strong preference for them possibly bc of how taboo it is, he might feel that it’s tantalizing to be kept a secret and sneaking around, esp since there’s the layer that these men in their public lives are “straight” with a wife and even kids, living a seemingly put together life. There are many layers of taboo and stigma that might bring him excitement that going after “regular” gay men just doesn’t
    But the fact that he feels guilt after the fact shows that he know on some level that what he’s doing is wrong, but in the moment he gets lost in the lust, but he knows this isn’t sustainable, and I hope he goes to real therapy to unpack his inexplicable attraction to straight married men, there’s definitely something deep seeded going on, even though he can’t put his finger on it right now, esp since they touched upon his father being a serial cheater and him never knowing why his father did what he did

  4. I think crack is like the opposite of mushrooms- shrooms may help some people become better, but crack just makes you act sh1tty (at least from what i’ve seen, and being an addict doesn’t make you bad. sometimes bad people take drugs and it just shows those dark sides)

  5. I’m listening to this in the background while doing some mindless shit around my house and every once n awhile I look down and lose it when I remember you’re geckos

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