As you all know splashing is a class A misdemeanor and carries jailtime. My next court date has been scheduled for Sept 29th for alleged “splashing” on a jetski. If convicted we could face a year in jail and probation. #criminal
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Within my first week as a law enforcement officer my supervisor told me word for word that you don’t have to be right when you enforce the law, we win either way because we cost people money! I’m not a coward so I no longer work there.
When I visited USA two years ago, I was pulled over, and when showing my driver’s license, the officer said that it was not valid in USA, because it was an older plastic coated paperversion and not a plastic card.
After having said that, the officer left me without further notice.
That was my encounter with American police.
No arrest, no imprisonment, no beating to the ground and raped, no nothing…..
Now I have upgraded to a plastic card driver’s license !
This was a ploy to promote their corse on your YouTube account. Nothing more or less. And that’s that.
They will drag this thing out for like 2 years, trust me
boating license, safety course etc are just bloat from years of people going along to get along. just a money grab for the state, why does the boat need registered? oh cause someone might have a boat that doesn't have enough life jackets stuffed in a box no one will get if it goes down? smh
Boknows2188- you don’t even make a good liar, let alone a “law enforcement officer”. No real cop would ever refer to himself as a “law enforcement officer “ and you would not refer to your FTO as your “supervisor”, the only one who’d be telling you anything in your first make believe week! LOL.
When you said "hello everyone" at the very beginning, it totally sounded like the daily dose of internet intro.
Whatever happened with your court case? Where’s the conclusion video with regards to your legal troubles on the water, and what was the final determinations from the court?
Wow, that sounds like some real freedom there in the US.
Hey WD I’ve been watching you for a while ans your a Good person crazy as hell but this world need people like you…

So rather than offering to assist a boater with a sinking vessel, the sworn officer pitched a no-wake tantrum, balanced his cellphone to record during his tantrum and all the while wishing he owned skis himself and had the youth to back it up.
I’m not sure how it all works but if you end up winning and they throw it out for both of you, I feel they should automatically go after the officer for lying. That would help justice down the road if they did that every time. I think officers would think twice about bullying people..
This is disappointing and disgusting at the same time!!

Omg, totally not trying to be mean, rude, disrespectful or anything like that, but I'm glad I don't live in the U.S.
Why? Because for something so stupid, you could get a Class A Felony/Misdemeanor and could spend YEARS in jail! And, 99% of jails and pens in the U.S. are nasty, and they treat you like you're less than a human in some/most instances.
Ex: 1st time in possession of weed, I hear of 'some' instances where ppl are having to spend years locked up… this has to stop!!
Cody I need your help. I am a farmer from Iowa facing a life sentence criminal trial for something I absolutely had nothing to do with. This has been devastating to my wife, my family, and my small town community. Please help me… You have an opportunity to change this country for the better
Need an update
The Water Police always ruin my day, I always get pulled over for some reason.
Just get a bigger boat and go back.
#WhistlinDiesel you sould do a video of a truck with 4 snowmobiles powering it.
LOL you are such a bad splasher you dirty rotten splasher. You're a splashsterd
F*ck the law Cody! Its all nonsense power trip ordinances to keep sheeple under fear which is. Control. Most cops are corrupt and liars and physcopaths!!! They know you've got money and somehow think you owe them. F*ck them.
Not the government, it usually isn't it doesn't get that far, it's some jumped up person starting something they really shouldn't, others get involved way more than is sensible then it goes way too far and nobody wants to back down but wants to save face, people further up the tree (way below 'government)' get caught up in it then they realise its nothing and the best way to get it to go away is to deal it away, they get a tick on their case records and it goes away which is easier than bothering to stir the pond below them and sort out the grudge bearer that started it, government is not involved because the people you are dealing with don't want it to go that far don't want it to go there as they'll get found out for following through on a grudge, finding out it was a grudge and following it through even further to any extent with implications to the person that the grudge is directed against without merit, so they can save face and it not to show up on their record and not be had for a miscarriage of justice, infringement of civil liberties and incurring costs and court time.
The 'Government' is an easy target, but it is the closed ranks of those well below government that cause most of the —– and when challenged blame the government because it is easier than fessing up to their own failings and gullibility set off by the grudge bearer, or the buddy of his that was doing his mate a favour by creating a case out of nothing ie abuse of office
Better call Saul