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Call from a woman who caught her boyfriend sleeping with her mom and continued the relationship for five more years.

Scratch & sniff stickers don’t taste nearly as good as they smell. I am a gecko.

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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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44 thoughts on ““MY BOYFRIEND SLEPT WITH MY MOM” – Therapy Gecko

  1. It’s taken me some time. I’ve figured it out. It’s because this is so odd on the eyes and so weird that it is subtly and I mean subtly fucking hilarious this whole ass shit from the green paint to the god dam girl I mean this shit is priceless

  2. Sounds like dad knows her mom sleeps around or knows she’s had previous affairs. Mom is a dirty girl. I’ll never know how a parent can shit on their kid like that. Sounds like my ex-wife. She only cares about her self and she will shit on anyone get what she wants

  3. Family is family, but girl it kind of was your mother who should’ve known better! Hopefully they’ve patched things up, but family shouldn’t be an excuse to take that kind of mental abuse and terrible behavior.

  4. After more review, I must say, I would not subscribe or follow this guy on ANY social media…! He’s not legit at all, just tune in and watch, if you spend you’re money I PROMISE you are not going to be taken seriously… His tables have severely turned!!! First hand slander and defamation to me on his Twitch account from another person who’s slandered me my whole entire life… my family… and he ate it up and purposely let it happen and knew exactly what was going on.. I warn with all my heart people, go watch peoples stories somewhere else, he is no longer genuine if you were to ask me!! That’s why you can’t get on the que anyway, it’s all fake or preplanned, and some people such as me are stalked to the max and they used him and now support him HUGE!!!!! He doesn’t need anyone else I promise!

  5. The mom sounds like a narcissist and the girl needs to leave this toxic family. Her brother seems to be the only one who's somewhat invested in his sisters' positive future, whilst the rest of the family just seems apathetic and even malicious. I hope she found peace – sweet lady if you're reading this you deserve a lot better – you're so well spoken and soft, you will find a good man as long as you don't let the assholes trample over you. It's ok to be selfish sometimes, don't just keep giving in a relationship if the guy who you're dating seems to not have an issue becoming your step-dad…

  6. If this is a genuine story then this woman was completely gaslighted, I think some of the comments are missing the significance of that bit and being quite harsh on her. The word's overused but it's a very real and damaging phenomenon, and doesn't make her stupid.

  7. This happens a lot in rural small towns. If it's not this kind of gaslighting, it's religious gaslighting "oh I had a moment of weakness" "forgiveness is a virtue" etc

  8. The one thing that I've never understood and I'm always baffled at is the level of self respect to the these girls DON'T have. On top of that the level of disrespect someone a family member like your mother would have for you to be able to do that. " It was my 1st real relationship and I just wanted it to work" Every single time this delusion never fails to result in someone just wasting years of their life. Also why is their take away always "…if they sleep with a parental figure" when it should be "….sleep with anyone else when I wasn't ok with it"

  9. I do kind of feel sorry for this silly girl. I've had low self esteem but never that little self respect.
    I can think of few bigger turn offs than knowing my partner's knob had also been in my mum.

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