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A man from Alaska calls in a week before the end of his 8 year long probation, and claims he’s experiencing anxiety over his newfound freedom.

Then a pregnant caller discusses her mixed feelings about having a baby, a caller harasses his wife with a puppet on a daily basis, and I talk with a final caller about dealing with bullies at school.

There are a lot of ways to prepare potatoes. I am a gecko.

0:00 – Intro
0:15 – Ending a 8 year probation
18:31 – Mixed feeling about having a baby
39:33 – Daily puppet harassment
50:13 – Dealing with bullies
01:03:05 – How to call the gecko

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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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31 thoughts on ““I’M FINALLY OFF PROBATION” – Therapy Gecko

  1. That turtle guy called tried to rip off your show with his own. It was so bad he was begging for callers, and had his wife call in, and even then it was still dumb lmao

  2. Only one I real feel bad for is the kid who was getting bullied. I know what that be like. As for the others, I don't really have a place to talk about them but that puppet kid on some thin ice type of shit. You would never NEVER catch me with no man, skinny, fit or fat chasing my ass each day with a PUPPET especially no damn turtle. Call me splinter cause I'll teach yo ass a lesson fr.

  3. this was one of my favorite episodes. not so much about the kid talking about time being fake but everything else was good. the house arrest story, the lady’s pregnancy. even the puppet thing was a good comedic part.

  4. I was really high earlier and I clicked pn a frog video because I thought it was you and it took me a while to realise my mistake now I'm here after finishing the frog video because it was interesting

  5. My mom managed multiple classes, a 4.0+ GPA and household chores – not to mention taking care of my brother and I. Girl, you can do anything you set your mind to.

  6. "what if he cheated on you, but used the puppet, and said the puppet was the one cheating and not him?"

    Lyle asking the questions we're all thinking 🤣

  7. Lyle… you smoke weed and DON'T listen to music? Dude… blaze a fatty and listen to the entire Lateralus album by TOOL with some good headphones. You wont regret it

  8. I've been debating calling in to chat with Lyle about my agoraphobia (Irrational fear of open spaces, leaving familiar spaces, and or fear of fear etc.) in my case I've been better and I've been able to go to places in my town. But man. there's been times where I couldn't even be in my front yard without freaking out. the first guys story was relatable to an extent. maybe ill pucker up the courage one day.

  9. Wants to stay anonymous but his dogs name is snoopy and has been on probation for 8 years, got a feeling if someone watching this knows him that'll narrow it down lol

  10. I've been watching the Geck for about a year or so, and I feel like the last month has been bangin in terms of really cool and genuine conversations. Love seeing you and this show flourish Lyle!

  11. lady doesn't need to have a baby right now just because she's always wanted one; it makes me sad, she must feel a lot of guilt about maybe not feeling ready despite wanting a child.

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