A caller confesses that she’s been using a fake Facebook account to stalk various people from her past. Though she logs into the account daily to keep tabs on her enemies, we dissect the idea of deleting it.
Then we talk to a sex therapist, a YouTuber who films snake funerals, and a guy addicted to porn.
DM me a picture of a candle on Instagram (@lyle4ever). I am gecko.
0:00 – Intro
0:14- Online stalker
24:31 – Snake funeral
38:25 – Sex therapist
53:23 – Addicted to porn
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Lyle Forever
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This girl lives in a sitcom
The thing about dating apps is that it’s a great way to meet people in general, not everybody instantly expects u to be instantly romantically involved with them.
Btw I think the fish were in reverse
Washing my dishes listening.. thanks
Everybody goes to Montana in summer.
It's a huge problem for regular locals.
'im only attracted to people i have an emotional connection with, social media and hookup culture have convinced me having sex with multiple people i dont know is 'normal' and 'empowering', so now i have a paragraph in my bio to explain that im /*actually*/ normal with as many current year buzzwords as possible'
I really felt for the first caller. I’ve gone through the same kind of ptsd response and hearing this conversation helped me gain some third person insight and understanding. I appreciate Geck’s way of guiding a conversation and the callers willingness to share.
25:35 AHHHHH GECKOUTTA THE WAY!!! That was close!
i really felt for that first caller, i think geck handled that so well, it seemed like he really got through to her. she seemed like such a sweet person i really hope she’s able to take his advice and really get on with her life. wishing her luck!
god the ptsd urge to stalk your abuser
All these people sound like they read way too much of they wanted to see on the internet and can't convince themselves they have to deal with real life. Wild episode
Dear 18 year olds,
If you're about to date someone twice your age, don't. Doesn't matter if they're fresh out of prison, or fresh out of college. Best case scenario they're a fucking creep that wants to date a teenager. Nothing good is likely to come of it. Have some self respect.
“Let’s explore that” was a very therapist line out of you Geck
is that last caller joel haver?
I had a similar stalking account years ago, letting go was hard but i haven't looked back ever since
to the single nonbinary demi person 1. check out feeld if you're okay with polyamory/non-monagamy, people on there are really cool with intersecting identities, and 2. if you are cool with non-monagamy, hi hmu on twitter or telegram, you sound amazing. ~fellow nonbinary queer
particularly poggers episode with relatable callers. shout out to ptsd peeps + fellow demisexual jews — a njm is coming for us
I haven't started the video yet but same
Also, the second I deleted all social media I realized what an addiction I had to it. My mental health and self esteem has increased crazy amounts since.
When people steadily talk over Lyle when they call to get his advice I just want to shake them
that moment when i realized that the video in ur background is …. CAIRO … Egypt
I feel like every time I watch the Gecko, I learned something about life that I can take back to my own life and move forward with. Keep on keeping on, Gecko and thank you!
holy shit is the whole episode one person?
The gecko came to me
In a dream? Or a vision?
It was An Amazon box
Lyle forever BITCH
Hey guys were u able to find Ryley (snake funeral) account?
Lyle love ya man but Geckos don’t mess with water that hard. Consider being a frog or changing the background to a more Gecky background if you want. I think that’d be cool
i wanted to send lyle a picture of my french toast candle but my phone is dead.
A real gecko out here changing lives
I love you Lyle!!!!
Man Facebook is a messed up place. Twitter too. I don't think people realize once you stop using these platforms, you really don't miss them after a while.
I really think a beanbag would mix things up, instantly more casual environment
I went to this bar called Geckos in Florida and it made me think of you
Epic 1st story
this the craziest episode ever
Sunday morning geck let's goooo
I love gecks cute tummy
Shout out to the Dad for beatin the abusive guys ass not once but twice nd sendin him to the hospital the 2nd time
good geck
how do i watch these live
geck its 2am and I need to sleep but im hungry
Lyle out here posting when we need it most
hello gecko