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The splashing situation escalates this week as Tennesee try’s to charge me and my friend who has a scholarship with a class A misdemeanor punishable by jail time and probation for splashing with jet skis. Although the police department is being professional and respectful the judicial side of things is being much more difficult. Since they won’t drop the charges we are now hiring a lawyer and this will be drawn out for possibly years. Although this situation may seem petty, a bad law unchecked can affect society very negatively behind doors. Law affects every single one of us and it’s very important to stand up for what you know is right. Thank you all for supporting!!!



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43 thoughts on “I may be going to jail for a year

  1. I want to make it very clear that the officer screaming at us does not work for the Dekalb county Sheriffs dept. He’s from Putnam county. The Dekalb county police department has been very respectful and professional and actually has no involvement in any of this whatsoever. Please don’t leave a bad review for the Dekalb county sheriffs department, they’re the good guys!!!

  2. if you were gay, black or a women, you would probably win Times Citizen of the year. Glad to see law enforcement sticking to their guns, sorry….their …..cough cough…..ethics.

  3. DUI is a fucking misdemenor in TN?!?! If you go to trial and are found guilty here it's a felony with up to year in jail and mandatory alcohol/substance use classes.
    DAs and Officers always love to tell you how bad it will be if you don't take the deal. They want easy wins and hate when people just shrug it off and get a lawyer.

  4. Dude this was a real stand up thing to do for a friend. You could've easily been selfish about it, but you are bringing awareness to the situation. As a cop he could have talked to yall and educated yall about the rules. Keep doing what you believe in dude💪🏾💪🏾

  5. Bro they just offered to drop charges in exchange for your service promoting there safety course…….this in and of itself is a felony perpetrated by the da there…….get em

  6. Man, shout out to you, honestly like i cant believe that's happening to you. Now your trying to go against the stupid law or whatever. You were just trying to have fun. Every day i try to have a little fun in my life. I feel so lucky for not getting in trouble for something stupid like that. Honestly i just started watching this, and i done some questionable things on the line of the law, and did not go to court ….no. And your over here trying to have fun and you get in trouble for splashing with a jet ski. Disgusting to be honest. Hey god bless you, hope you win in court. Till then ill keep having fun………Without splashing..🤣

    PS i never done something illegal to be clear.

  7. I can't imagine passing up a perfectly good deal handed to you on a silver platter from the DA. This is why you have a lawyer with you. Even if you do get it dismissed or win, that still doesn't mean the law gets changed. You fight that other ways.

  8. I have lived in Tennessee my whole life and I didn’t even know that you had take a class for boating or that it was illegal to splash water on someone

  9. Oh my god that's some shady ass small town politician bullshit right there. You should just at this point expose all the corrupt officials in that county. Also you splashed water they're on a lake surrounded by water how much are they Karen can they really be… Also if they're going to try and enforce that then they should have to put signs at every fucking ramp saying that you need to have a Tennessee boat or safety card bullshit because that's never been a thing before they just suddenly implemented it and they expect everyone to have it what about people like me who've been growing up on boats and jet skis and shit since the time we could walk… Also that seems like really bullshit and shouldn't even be possible for them to put splashing somebody on the same level as a DUI….

  10. You mentioned that you don't know who is watching…we're the people that seriously WANT to do what you do but either don't have the balls/money/both to do so… keep up the wonderful work. It truly is a stress reliever!

  11. Good Lord REALLY! Make sure you submit the video of the guy on the boat before the police got there. Talk about entitlement. And his mouth needs to be washed out with soap.

  12. Is the size of the yellow shirt Putnam Co deputies unit admissible as evidence for his constant rage? Can your attorney inquire if micro penis is the real issue here? Inquiring minds want to know.

  13. This proof how tyranical & corrupt our not legal system is . Watch some good 1st ammend. Auditors & you will realize like I’ve always said , you are guilty , until you pay enough to be free . Look at killer o. J . Simpson killer .

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