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Every so often someone at McDonalds decides on a new toy to include in Happy Meals. Often times they are good toys but occasionally they are not. Several of them have left kids and parents disappointed. In this video we will discuss some of the horrible happy meal toys.

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Rhetty for History

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33 thoughts on “Horrible Happy Meal Toys!

  1. I absolutely despise fast food and everything it stands for, but I have some Pokémon figures I got from McDonald’s back in 2016 when I was a kid and I love them. They’re still on my dresser today.

    oh also I remember those Fitbit things and my grandparents being shocked when they heard there was lead in them.

  2. You may laugh and say that these Happy Meal toys are trash, but to collectors, they're gold!! These toys can go for hundreds of dollars on ebay if they're still in their original packaging. So laugh if you want to, but youd wish you had some of these to sell to collectors.

  3. Last week, I stopped by Sonic for a kids meal to snack on at work. And I was surprised and pleased to see the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (Ghostbuster) straw buddy toy in the sack I felt like I was 10 years old again and it reminded me of how I felt back in the 70's when I was able to get the toy out of a cereal box…

  4. the worst toy i remember a kid was the plastic shovel. I don't know one single kid who was a gardener. If you were not into planting or digging then it was a useless toy. On the flip the best toy was the megaphone in the "making movies" meal. I remember as we drove home my dad saw 2 teens heavily kissing on the sidewalk. He rolls down the window and used the mega phone to tell them to knock it off😅 (and they did stop lol)

  5. No one says a word on the amount of un needed toys mostly plastic (tons and tons of ) with about 10 minutes real time play wear. But hey we need paper straws to save the planet pathetic…

  6. Those plastic bag glove puppets predate Happy Meals by at least a decade. They used to just hand them out to kids. You'll notice your pics have the BigMac police officer character, who was quietly discontinued due to some IP conflict years ago.

  7. Do you all remember the cartoon Ms. Switch is a witch? Well I own all three sets of the memory lane charlie brown with triples on all figures, for halloween I use the wizard of oz witch as the teacher with a tag saying the true reason you don't see adults, yes she teaches witchcraft lol.

  8. The Madame Alexander Happy Meal dolls were just miniature versions of the current line of dolls the company had in their line. They were more of a collectors item, like the full sized dolls. It’s one of the few Happy Meal toys that weren’t complete junk.

  9. I've eaten McDonald's maybe once in the past decade. It was a couple of years ago.
    I ordered a big Mac and fries. The drive-thru speaker asked if I wanted a boy or girl toy, which was weird since I didn't order a happy meal.
    I told them a BOY toy please.
    I got my food, drove off, and in the bag was a big Mac, fries, and a Barbie.
    It was like being on an episode of candid camera and black mirror at the same time.

  10. I had several of these, including the Mighty Ducks puck, the Michael Jordan frisbee and even the plastic bag puppet. I think you missed the Furby, though. That was a terrible toy.

    While it wasn't a Happy Meal toy, I remember the best thing that ever came from McD's was the Batman Forever cups.

    I also got two ads for Burger King and KFC during this video.

  11. The worst toy McDonald’s UK is an cardboard toys, because plastics was being band in toys, I said “who wants to play a cardboard toy?!” It’s no fun playing with it and most of the “toys” is end up in the trash, or grease from the food

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