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We have all gone through this…. but how you handle the situation is what matters!!!!
All social media accounts are linked in “ABOUT” section on my Youtube channel.

This episode is a loooong one….but I hope it resonates with some of you. I grew up poor like most of you probably, I know that feeling and its the worst …especially when you are a kid and cant help. I wanted to tell this entire saga in chronological order….from a little kid until this past year.
I choose to stop making forsure money to make content because I LOVE it…I didnt realize how difficult and draining it would be…but it was worth it!!!

Thank you all for watching Going Broke : STORY TIME


Dope As Yola

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Dope As Yola

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30 thoughts on “Going Broke : STORY TIME – DopeasYola

  1. Watched this video last night after i got fired from my job on october 31st. I turned 16 and starting working the job for 3+ years as a doggy kennel Tech. Loved the job, loved working with the dogs so it was super unfortunate that i was let go but i honestly was starting to feel like it was a dead end job anyways. They let me go because after lunch break one day one of my coworkers told my boss i smelt like weed so she smelt my car and it reeeaaaaked😂 my boss knew i was a complete pothead tho and im pretty sure she's hinted at "that mfs smoking on his lunch" since day one cause id do it every single day. Smoking helped me be a better worker over the years and helped me feel more comfortable around certain dogs that i would never think of messing with. Anyways, my boss was a complete jew bag to me anyways and never treated me fairly through out the years so i wasnt too hurt over it. I was just more worried about how im gonna support my family as i just had a baby born augest 4th with my girlfriend. Its been hard without the income for the past couple weeks but ive been calling places simalar to where i worked before to see if they are hiring and nobody was but told me they would get back to me if anything changes so ive been a stay at home dad waiting patiently pretty much. Rememeber how i said i watched this video last night? I got a phone call this morning from one of the places i called about hiring. The owner of the place wants me to come in tomorrow for a work interview and if all goes well he said he will start my pay rate off at more than what i was getting payed previously because i have some experience and its a small business that wasnt even opened a year ago so he needs good people who knows how to work with the pups! Moral of my story here is good things actually really do come if your willing to wait for it so never give up people. YOLA I love your content my man, your story times are a blessing to me i just freakin love them! The way you tell your storys makes shit so realalistic all over again and its just so badass so keep up this amazing work bro! Wish me luck for this interview tomorrow 🙏

  2. man having a job that pays barely above minimum wage and randomly getting my hours cut is terrifying, i have so many of those moments laying bed staring at the ceiling hoping i can pay my car bill that month, luckily i’m not in a position where i have to worry about rent and other expenses, all i gotta worry about is a car payment and a insurance bill. still a scary ass feeling not knowing if your gonna be able to make a bill payment.

  3. from going to never having to worry if ill go hungry or not being able to worry about money to living with my boyfriend and sometimes having one meal a day or relying on my friend to come pick us up to get food or have fun I was much happier after being broke instead of being spoiled and having fake people around

  4. Bro i aint gonna lie somedays i feel kinda down but videos like these from a baller like Thomas 🚀🌒 makes me motivated to get the bag 🏧 cause Yola is the only guy i can really relate my life to man, like it's awsm thanks bro🌒❤️.

  5. Your Grandma instilling that hustling life is one of the best things that could happen to you probably, you may not have been here today without that, that instills a great mindset for success in the future, my Nana does that with my younger cousins as she did with me, 5 dollars to take the trash out, stuff like that.

  6. this acct is for a future idea so ignore the name but i literally respect you so much we are from 2 completely differnet places with completely different views and blah blah blah but ive never related to anyone more in my life I appreciate the videos but more than anything appreciate the story times ive been watching pretty much since the first came out this is the first one ive watched on this acct but just genuinely thank you!

  7. If youtube was not a leftists evil power movement I would be able to watch all your videos like in the start Yola…but I can and no i won't give a photo of my Id and card to corrupt yourube

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