18+older. I got some new gummies to try from refuelcbd. They have 100 mg of CBD each along with 10 mg of delta9. They come assorted flavors and are individually packaged. I busted open a few and got a some orange and some green. I like the green ones better but both have great initial tastes along with the taste of cannabis so you can definitely tell you are eating an edible. I like the looks of the package and the taste of the gummies I would 10/10 recommend to anyone who wants to try edibles. Enjoy!!
check out the gummies at https://www.refuelcbd.com/Customgrow420
enjoy 20%discount with code GROW20!!
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Hey can u please let me know what the he'll is the difference between delta 8 and delta 9 ? The dam shops can't even tell me. Everyone acts like they know what the fuck they are talking about but no one does. Not around here anyways. Thanks bro love the videos been watching for years
This nigga intro

every time 

Bro will you ever bring back the old style saltine can vids?
bro I came bacc to your channel after 6 years n im glad to see u still do the same intro

Tangarange live Suger

Does 100mg CBD actually make you high? I thought there was no psychological effects
This guy looking like a lesbian in Hawaii
Wish we could turn back time to the good old days
Bro omg I used to watch you and smoke with u every single day
Wow I’m mind blown you made it to a million shit brotha I’m glad to see u never stoped !

when u coming to SF seen u there in New York
I have been watching this channel for 10 years. Y'all influenced me to move to a more weed tolerant environment and my life, Dr greenthumb has been just fine ever since !
Customgrow420 !!!!
Bro I get out of breath just hearing this man talk
Can you import this to Australia, man it’s been years since I saw you, good to see ya well champion
That's an elk my guy lol
Holy shit your back at it

Its soo crazy how u kinda look like your pops . I miss that guy aaron was always chill asf i hope hes doing good
Good to see u bro started watching wen I was 13 haven't seen u since 15, I'm 21 now nd it feel coo seeing ur content again, be on it bro
Ive been watching this channel since the beginning of 2015. i love how it has never changed
I loved your videos when I was a teenager, man and I'm finding out now that I'm 24, that I still love your videos. Good seeing you glowing and growing, homie!
how were the effects brotha??
Still waiting for a world wide wake and bake
Damn that Intro fucken irritates the fuck out of me I haven't watched a video in years I tought maybe he'd dropped that cringy as shit but no I guess ill be back in a few more years to see if he finally stops
I literally looked up “what up YouTube YouTube” and found this guy again after like 4 years
The worst intro that ever exist…
i need a good lawyer any suggestions?
to be honest you'd get a lot more people coming back to watch your shit if you just posted real weed it doesn't even have to be the absolute best weed as long as it's real and then and only then will I come back to watch this channel
I wish you would just do a video that wasn't a promotion but I understand your getting your bag.
I used to play videos of you ripping huge dabs or knife hits on my dads TV. At a certain point the whole family would shuffle in after hearing your intro. That was when I was 13, I’m 20 now. Can we get a Q&A soon brother?
Hey bro. Idk if your gonna see this but I love your shit. I jus turned 18 and can finally LEGALLY watch your shit. We should hang or chill on discord sometime
Good seeing u bro much love n even more respect
I miss you so much bro
Lol are you Hradecky? So you have ancestors from the Czech Republic
Unofficial capital of weed 
Love your vids but not going to lie…..I skip the intro everytime
Long live joelie olie