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In this episode of Defunctland, Kevin follows Walt Disney to a small Kiddieland in Los Angeles named Beverly Park, run by the savvy and multi-talented David Bradley.

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25 thoughts on “Defunctland: The History of Beverly Park Kiddieland

  1. So I know this video is 2 years old but is there any connection to Kiddieland in Melrose Park Illinois? Or is that just a weird coincidence because apparently the Illinois one opened in 1929.

  2. Yeah, ol' Walt visiting this guy's amusement park is just about right for a greedy union busting FBI informant who threw employees under the bus for wanting better wages….

  3. So his business plan was… to be a nice guy and a friend to children and charities and then let karma advertise for him.
    I'd love to live in a world where that was standard operating procedure for everything.

  4. 8:03 Oh man that reminds me of the Big Dipper at Camden Park. Lots of memories on that bad boy…mostly bad ones, lol that thing is terrifying

    I would love for you to make a video about Camden Park, only problem is it’s still open so it doesn’t fit the “defunct” theme lol, but your documentaries are so well-made and thorough that I really think you could do it justice. It’s over 100 years old and I just feel like it needs more love

  5. I know the main reason "[easy access to] divorce is good for children" is because if there's a reason for the parents to divorce, their separation will be better for the child. But also, I feel like for the dads who brought their kids to Kiddieland, they got a special fun experience with a variable amount of bonding with their dad (depending if it was more of a 'I don't want to put in the effort' vs 'I don't know what to do' situation), where otherwise it would be dad: I don't have work today. Kid: okay, I'm going to play with my toys/hang out with my friends/other era apporiate entertainment.

    In my personal experience, the semi-divorce situation I've had, the partial regimentation of Hanging Out With Dad has led to us putting in the effort to make time to hang out together the way we wouldn't really do if we lived in the same house. Also the kids certainly had a better time a kiddieland with their dad than if they went with both their should-get-a-divorce parents.

  6. Did this have anything to do with the "Rideland / Kiddieland" in Torrance? When I was a kid, we went to the Torrance one many times. Thanks for posting…..

  7. I grew up going to this park and my parents always mentioned how they met Charleton Heston there. I remember asking why he was there and they said "Everyone went there! It was the only place around for families to have fun!" And fun we did have! And at Ponyland you went in a small circle with ponies that went at different speeds…we have so many old family movies of this place which holds a very sweet place in my heart.

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