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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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1st clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@justinmorrison8888
2nd clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@whitewallwillie
3rd clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@ftcfab
Toyota Tacoma – https://www.tiktok.com/@therealharrisond
LED light installation – https://www.tiktok.com/@jesse_not_james
Chicken sandwich – https://www.tiktok.com/@417_the_punisher
Tennis balls – https://www.tiktok.com/@itsjceee
The rear brake line and another shop worked on it
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 Who knows if it’s actually true that the customer came in for an oil change but I asked the person who filmed this and apparently they did as mentioned.
0:16 As mentioned the blower motor is behind the glove box. The technician had to remove all the garbage to replace the blower motor which fixed the issue.
0:26 Oddly specific and a very weird issue! The technician said the vehicle had other issues and the customer declined further diagnosis so he’s not sure what the exact issue was.
Weird nonetheless!
0:34 As shown, they had the light bar bracket secured with drywall screws, and the bull bar wasn’t very secured. The tech. was pretty surprised at how somebody could do this to an almost new truck.
0:52 That’s an engine mount as mentioned. Anytime they go bad, it’s best to just replace them.
Just over time, they will fall apart, or if you have oil leaking onto a motor mount it can deteriorate the rubber.
1:05 No extra info from the tech. But what you see is the rear brake rotor, which is in 2 pieces (the rotor should be spinning while the tire is spinning).
1:16 No extra info from the tech. However, they are lucky that the receiver didn’t fall out while they were towing!
1:27 It also has “turbo exhaust whistles” that you can see on the exhaust as well. No extra info.
1:51 If you don’t know what Hydrolock is, you can read more here – https://carbrain.com/blog/what-does-it-mean-to-hydrolock-your-motor
The technician also mentioned they drained around 4 gallons / 15.1 Liters of water from the exhaust.
2:01 Just a very disgusting vehicle a mechanic had to work on.
2:10 It only came in for an oil change and the customer didn’t mention anything about the suspension or the tennis balls in the coil springs.
2:19 Not the worse brake line we’ve seen but it’s always good to follow the same route with brake lines as the manufacturer had installed from the factory. As well the brake line being that low it could easily catch onto something and rip the brake line off.
2:29 The power steering rack has 1 loose bolt as you see and they didn’t secure the p/s rack properly in the mount causing the loose steering.
2:39 You have to make sure you have the correct valves close when draining the oil out of those portable oil drain tanks, or when you add air to it, the oil will shoot out and go everywhere.
2:47 A beautiful 1967 Chevrolet Chevelle SS.
2:58 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Sorry for the later upload. Computer issues, of course lol.
I feel bad for the apprentice, as someone who as done that before.
It sucks you’re covered in oil, the shop is covered in oil. It’s not a good time
been watching these all day, now im hooked lol you got a new subscriber.
To be fair, there is some oils that has to be changed on Teslas and other EV's. Usually, they have a differential that has oil in them.
wait what
Oh my, that car in the middle of the top row looks amazing! I don't even know what it is.
Maybe the owner meant blinker fluid?
First guy might not know a thing, but at least they're concerned about their car's maintenance, I'd gladly have them as my customer.
there's probably grease fittings on the tesla though
it does make me somewhat reassured that these cars look like they were made from rust and they still run. there is hope for mine yet!
maybe he just thought the oil is for lubricating the moving parts too or something… god i hope so…
Over here in the Netherlands we have obligated safety checks on cars every year.
Having serviced/repaired cars for over 40 years I've never seen shit like that in those "Just rolled in" movies.
Who the hell brings in their car with all that trash in it. Who thinks that is acceptable.
Too be fair, I rather prefer the guy who thinks all cars need oil changes even the EV. Over the one who thinks no car needs them
I swear it’s like people without common sense are just drawn to teslas, like the guy who was trying to put gas in his
0:09 indeed tesla also needs oil change, that they do not have combustion engine does not mean the gear needs no maintenance.
The Tesla oil change clip just shows how utterly brain dead these tree hugging lefty fucks are.
thank fuck i don't live in the states
Absolutely I'll change the oil in your Tesla that will be 250.
1:51 Must have been a lake sized puddle. lol
When you want Eibach but can only afford tennis rack.
Ive found that like ford owners there are only two types of people that own teslas. Virtue signalers with IQs equal to a warm day in antarctica or people who actully are decent with tech and just like pokeing at stuff regardless of cost.
No inbetween.
Aw dude He left me a chickens sandwich haha I died at that
The chicken sandwich was great!
I have been looking 40 years for that specific vehicle (1967 Chevelle – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYj2rSLEonI&list=RDCMUCjN72nQrWhDnppts-lNnlKQ&index=6&t=167s)! My dad came to see my mom and me wanting to get back together with her when I was about 12 and he was driving this car. This gear shifter has been burned into my memory ever since and I have been looking and asking around trying to figure out what vehicle it was. No one I have asked has ever heard of a stick shifter like this. Thank you for sharing this! Now I know what to look for and buy.
The 67 Chevelle is awesome. I am glad I saw this video… It reminds me to get the oil changed in my bicycle.
I'd totally charge the tesla customer for "oil" and add a stupidity surcharge.
Whats wrong with the chevelle?
Really i don't understand how do you breed these nasty… i don't even know how to name those dirtbags!..
I would go out of my way to report some of these to whatever authority that will take them off the road. Staying away from idiots is hard enough when they are on foot.
In some countries, many of the cars in these videos would have to be taken off the road after the shop reported them to the authorities.
The tesla would need it's suspension lubed
A "puddle" hydrolocked an engine huh?
Was that van full of stuff from pa I swear I seen it before
I love turning away vehicles that are filled with trash or old food, the look on their face is always amazing. The only thing that beats it is when they dont wanna pay for services after being told their car isnt legal to drive away without and they have no choice to eather pay for it, have it towed to a impound lot, or bring a POP for another shop that it will still be towed to
No way that tesla owner showed up for an oil change. No way you can be that stupid.
Daily dose of internet for car guys
After seeing these I'm so happy I'm not on the road anymore. This is crazy
The tennis balls to soften out the rear suspension is just second level. I'm guessing a $24 investment; thanks Big 5
If you own a Tesla do you take it to the mechanic to be repaired or to the electrician?
1:16 "Duct tape bushings" fuckin amazing XD
I got the oil changed in my 2018 Model 3 because I insisted Tesla do it. The car had 87000km and I could hear the gears whining. This noise is gone after the change. Oil breaks down so it's not so ridiculous.
I wish I could say I’m surprised, but I’m not. People complain about how vehicle inspections are just so the DMV & the state can “rob us of our money.” But no- THIS is why we need inspections. So cheapskate idiots like these dillholes don’t kill innocent people with their jerry-rigged vehicles.
If I enjoyed this video? I was fucking horrified more than any horror film could achieve.
what a idiot people and country there .
I wonder how many of the strange things in these cars is related to animals. I remember a story related to a squirrel completely clogging an exhaust system with acorns.
Title should be dumb shit that morons do to their cars. Some people shouldn't be allowed to contaminate the world with their genes.
To be fair, a person wanting their tesla's oil changed aren't as dumb as people who never get their oil changed at all
1:05 Would a mechanic be allowed to not hand over the keys until something like that is fixed? I wouldn't feel right about letting that car leave the shop.