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A caller discovers a Facebook group of 70+ biological siblings that all came from the same sperm donor as her. Now she is faced with whether or not to pursue a relationship with them.

Afterwards a caller tells me about how his boredom has compelled him to enact his impulsive desires, a caller is conflicted by romantic feelings he has for his soon to be roommate, and a man shares his final thoughts with me as he arrives at the location of a cult he is joining.

Today may or may not be a nice day outside depending on when you are reading this.
I am a gecko.

0:00 – Intro
0:18 – 70+ biological siblings
12:24 – Boredom compels impulsive desires
25:41 – Romantic feelings for soon to be roommate
39:06 – Joining a cult while on the phone
54:16 – How to call the gecko

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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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27 thoughts on “CHILDREN OF THE GECK – Therapy Gecko

  1. I dont know how he remains so calm and collective. I can hear concern in his voice but at the same time he wants to laugh. Like he knows its a B.S. call but doesnt want write the guy off, just in case he's telling the truth. And the caller..he wants to laugh so bad but, is clearing his throat to hold it together. The tension is so great!!! I love it!

    I think you should just a degree in psychology. IJS

  2. WOW! that was pretty heavy. I dont think he should have his first male-male relationship with his best friend. Maybe he just loves the guy but might not really be into men. I'd say…dont move in, explore p3n15, let him break up with his girlfriend and THEN if he decides he enjoys p3n15 explore a relationship with him. This could end beautifully or could be a total train wreck and ruin a relationship.
    The biggest con is the guy already has a girlfriend. And he could be torturing himself watching their relationship. Right?

  3. We've officially found Lyles shadow. The fact that he eats McDonald's in fucking Guatamala says it all 🤦 we still love you brother. My shadow is abusing ketamine lol so hey no judgement.

  4. britney spears did not turn out okay, the papz broke her. but like shes "okay" yaknow like shes got money and a family and im sure shes happy but shes missing something, bless her heart

  5. Your therapist can only do so much. She’s giving you ideas but it’s up to you to decide what that right thing is. She can’t puppeteer you into doing the thing that would help you. To a degree you have to take matters into your own hands.

  6. The second dude should look into firefighting! All of my fire fighter friends are adrenaline junkies who wanted to do good… the whole job is jumping into dangerous situations.

  7. Britney shaved her head because everyone around her was always commanding her appearance and she got fed up with not having bodily autonomy. Then the public and her managers painted her as crazy for being an intentionally bald woman, and took away all of her autonomy.

  8. To the first caller, I’m adopted and found my birth family through ancestry. I think you’ll be surprised at how much you have in common with these half siblings. I know you already have siblings, but what could having more hurt? I love meeting bio family I’ve never met before and I’d be so stoked if they all wanted to hang out. I think that’s awesome! The more love the better! I don’t think any of that is weird, some people really want that bio connection and it’s important. My bio half brother wants nothing to do with me (he was adopted at birth too) and that has really hurt my feelings. I’m not a weirdo or anything, I just want to connect to my bio family. So just something to think about. It’s messed up your mom won’t tell your dad though, that’s a bad secret to keep from your husband.

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