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Imagine the weird mother fuckers in the crowd going nuts
Tbh when the light flickered the the Quebec magnetic its made it so better
I was at the FFDP show, apparently a drunk driver had hit a transformer on the road killing power to a good chunk of the city
Slipknot Atlanta 2016 was the only one I been to that lost power
I saw gojira last year and they were playing the intro to toxic garbage island, and right at the first breakdown the power went out so they had to play the intro again after they got the power back up. I remember joe looked back at the sound crew like "what the f***?" Was totally worth hearing the intro played twice tho
Must have been in California. I feel bad for anyone living in that socialist state right now.
Because they suck
I remember seeing machine head who were playing support for slipknot and they lost power during their set a couple of times and the lead singer was fuming
I saw White Zombie at the Cleveland Agora it was so hot at that show! Lasexorsito tour of course
some idiot came in the side door with a water hose to try to spray the crowd down and hit the main electronic board. An hour wait went by before the crowd got so restless that white zombie finally got back on stage and played what a memory and amazing concert!!
Fantastic. Someone pulled the plug on GVF.

How many of those are from Rockville last year? NIN had a hell of time. Lost power three times.
Some venues are old or on old power grids then you have outdoor concert's like Sturgis that uses generator's that run out of fuel or are not enough power it's not the band's fault
I call that a blessing at a five finger fruit punch show.
That is so messed up that a drunk driver did that to five finger death punch and every one left mad
Ew shorts
I was at that Five Finger Death Punch show. There were technical issues happening with the other bands (causing Megadeth to only play 4 songs) but unfortunately a drunk driver had to hit a transformer
Was this all at the same show?
Went to a Fear Factory show once here in Seattle years ago and had two power outs happen in the set, it was quite fitting, like they overloaded the electrical system.