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38 thoughts on “3ohBlack aka Bigalow “Sweet Tooth”

  1. I didnt watch your shit video nor did I listen to what I could only imagine shit music I just wanted to say you are a hateful piece of shit. What you did to those north Korean defectors was dispicable I hope. You have no idea why you hate Trump or why you hate Trump supporters.the only thing you know and feel is what you are told to by the media .YOU ARE A FUCKING SHEEP and thays all you will evr be

  2. As I'm listening to this I'm scrolling through the comments and just thinking.. who tf are these people,wtf are they talking about,and gahdamn no one cares about this bitch ass country on this bitch ass planet in this bitch ass universe. Listen to the song young

  3. Go grab fella rapper Adam Calhoun MAGA hat or Upchurch. Both more successful than U & Trump supporters. Man up 3ho. Man up one on one….unless 3ho truly fit that ass

  4. Don't support bullies like this! Check him out taking a person's hat and stepping on it because he didn't like it's message. There are videos on YouTube and social media sites that shows him at his finest on the streets of DC bullying some older North Korean defectors for showing support of Trump for the sanctions placed on North Korea. The saddest part of this is that these people have already been tormented and faced fears before defecting to get terrorized by individuals who knows nothing about what it maybe like to live in a country where you and your entire family can be killed or sent to camps for having differing views.

  5. Bullying people because they don't share your political views? That's the definition of fascism. But you don't have any views, all you know is what the media tells you , the media that is ran by democrats , you just wanted to "go viral" by picking on an easy target. You think you're oppressed in the U.S.A? That man has more oppression in his pinky then all the black people in America

  6. I never heard of this person until he decided to act a fool and attack someone for simply wearing a hat. A hat that means nothing but "Make America Great Again". What a sorry excuse for a human. These uneducated feral animals need to be taken down. Let this POS come take the hat of someone who will fight back. P.S. This crap you consider music is pure garbage.

  7. I think it’s funny no one said anything positive about this guys video but only came to tell him he’s a ass for what he did to North Korean guys 🤣😂 I guess it was only way you can get anyone to pay attention to you

  8. I bet your really proud of yourself! You've convinced me and a lot of other people that TRUMP was the right choice and for that THANK YOU! You've truly shown what the Democrat party's all about! We will remember this and forget you. To those you assaulted; Not all Americans feel or act this way! In a free country there will be some jerks that act like idiots! Please accept my apologies for what they did to you. Their behavior was TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE! Bigalow get a clue!

  9. We I heard this piece of shit was a rapper I had hoped that he had atleast one redeemable quality in his music but no. Just ran though almost all his "songs" and I can safely say he is a waste of resources in every aspect of his life.
    But I will say this, I hope you wake up soon boy. Change is coming to the world, don't be on the wrong side of history when it does.

  10. You are trash, fascist trash. You want to take away other's right to like what they want and be who they want. You fascist piece of trash. I wish we could send you to North Korea, maybe then you would think about being a decent human being instead of a oppressive fascist.

  11. Fucking wannabe rapper pretending to be opressed, while he oppresses actually opressed north korean defectors. Hope your career dies and you have come back to shining trump supporters shoes.

  12. And what if he harassed someone who was white? Would people still be upset or feel they shouldn't speak out? Race is a trap for everyone. Just like any group identity.

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