Ben from @King Country Towing and Salvage shares one of the craziest road trip stories we have ever heard. They were road trip to Glacierview Alaska when a Beaver Dam collapse caused the only road available to wash out.
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I did not know Paddy the baddy was into cars
Circa 2:33 "DEZZ NUTS"
I am low level disappointed
Here's the video of the cars going off the jump:
I have been wondering for years now, how this trip went. because when i saw video of john at the jump-off cliff, that motherfucker looked ROUGH
This bloke had me crying out loud with laughter!!!

"It should have been a boring uneventful trip, but,
I was driving a JAaaaaaaaaGGGGGGGGGGggggggGGG"
As a Canadian, I can attest. Beaver can be your downfall. Especially Bush Beaver
Your story makes me proud of small town Canada for being awesome when our government definitely is not. I live a few hours south of Fort Nelson and I'm quite sad I never got to meet you guys on the way through. It would have been a massive honour. I also agree with some others… As awesome as this story was, we wanna hear the Christopher version of it. I'm sure he's got some random strange details with his comical way of bringing them out!
It was awesome to watch @1320 video of the Alaska Cliff jump
Looks more like a 2004 f-150 considering the 03’ had a different body style
I’m drinking a Coors rn, that’s random. And I don’t think he gave the F-150 a good chance, I mean it’s a beaten up used vehicle how can you not expect it to have problems, drive a new model and then talk
Those Canadian beavers !! Lol
A chevy 1500 truck of that year would have probably been more reliable imo.
him is here!
It's impressive a beaver could build a dam big enough to wash out a bridge when it eventually fails.
So none of this had to do with the bridge or beavers, it was your stupid parade you had to make everyone do.
Whenever someone asks "Are you in the parade?" The answer is always yes, what a great time it looks like you all had, Rj in Oz
Ed was also supposed to push his Mercedes , looks like it did not happen
I saw the cliff jump on 1320's channel. Amazing to hear this back story to the jump.
@christophermichaels, the southern version of david attenborough. Definitely need a follow-up story from him
Was there. Awesome time.
As a resident of the Glorious People's Republic of Canuckistan, I offer this advice: don't mess with our beavers!
Beavers are always wet
I've been wanting to take a summer road trip up there to watch. And then this summer, I watched along on FB as Dave beat me up there by a few years and he took a car to jump. :/
So jealous.
This was the best worst road trip ever and I had such an amazing time with you and our other friends. I’m so happy I got to be a part of it!
Ben, it was awesome following along with this adventure in the chat group. What a time! So many ups and downs. We were all rooting for you guys and it was amazing to see it all the way through.
The best use of a f150. Yeeted into a heap of trash, where it belongs.
we gotta hear Christopher Michaels version of this story!
Great stories. Judging by all this though, I'd have stayed in Canada :D.
Shocking that there's so little gas stations available, that seems like a recipe for disaster
Ed, I believe every devout VINwiki video consumer will join me in agreement that we NEED to hear the Christopher Michaels version of this story.
Damn I can't wait 4 the movie! Damn dam beavers!
What a coincidence!!! Two friends and I were on a motorcycle trip to Alaska at the same time! We made it to Wonowon on July 2nd when we found out about the wash out. We had to back track to Prince George then take 37 up to Alaska. What sucked was that we couldn't ride straight through. Damned difficult to find motel rooms as it doubled up the traffic on 37 so everything was full. We had to carefully map every night to find fuel and motels the next day. Really screwed up our trip but what a story! Yes, Canadians are great! Helpful!
Mmm beaver
Beaver causes all my problems…
In Canada if you breakdown especially in the middle of nowhere or at night someone will stop to help you. I've helped countless people and also been helped myself. Sounds like a cool trip
if this was a movie, it'd be better than anything thats come out in recent memory
the thumbnail is wrong, is canadian adventure, not nightmare
Sounds like the "Roadtrip of a Lifetime"!
What, you want me to drivean extra 2,500 miles torward my goal destination?
Where are my "soil reclimation containers", fuel finances and energy drinks!
Challange me to an "extended roadtrip" will ya…