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35 thoughts on “Confessions of the package delivery driver

  1. I think every driver has some crazy stories, because the people we deliver to are crazy. Getting attacked by dogs and customers, people answering naked, drugs, just so much that makes for crazy stories.

  2. The frustration of going back to the house only for them to ignore you. I felt the last story. This one lady always orders booze knowing she needs to be home to show ID and sign but Everytime without fail going there 3 days in a row only for her to redirect package after last try. Please if your package requires a signature be there or arrange for someone to sign for it. Last year it was 2 days before Christmas stopped twice at this house with a computer that required an in person signature knocked on door..they also have ring doorbell so they got notification…didn't answer..I felt bad cause I figured it was a Christmas present but what I can do if you don't answer..go deliver it day after Christmas and standing at the door I hear her husband watching on doorbell and she's trying to be sassy but I genuinely felt bad n shit ..go to work the next day the assholes had complained about it saying the lady needed the computer for her new job n bullshit…I'm glad I didn't know about the complaint until after i dealt with those assholes and you better believe every package of there's gets dropped tossed I don't give a fuck…..moral of the story be there when a signature is required.

  3. Oh, you don't want to know.

    I've been propositioned by men and women alike (I'm a straight dude), been offered beers a LOT, delivered to some of the weirdest places known to mankind, had some of the dumbest delivery directions ever given to me, and yet… very rarely are people upset with me.

  4. EX F employee. Let's see. People opening the door in towels. Ignoring me even though I can clearly see you are home. people who get a 75lb+ package every single day. people who think I'll go out of my way to make sure you will get your package. Insisting the package does not need a signature even though it does. People that don't pick up after their dog. Insisting it be left at the front door even though they don't shovel the snow.

  5. Guys, I’ve been subscribed to VinWiki for years and I enjoy the content but what the F is up with the Jersey shore techno music in the intro?! It is and has always been absolutely horrendous 🤣

  6. Don’t forget pizza delivery drivers. I’ve been delivering pizza for 27+ of the last 31 years. In the early 90’s I delivered pizza in Rochester Mn for one of the big national pizza chains. I had a 1980 Toyota Corolla and whenever it snowed and deliveries weren’t late I’d take detours through snow covered residential streets turning L one block, R the next, L the next, R the next,,, but at each turn I’d do the power slide in the snow but only when there wasn’t any vehicles or people I could possibly hit in case my well practiced power slide failed. A few of my fellow drivers witnessed me doing this multiple times and later laughed and shook their heads when they saw me. Even some police officers witnessed me doing this and didn’t take time to pull me over. I did spin out a few times and even put a dent in the left rear fender once. I got out and looked at it, laughed and got back in and go. Never got a ticket or got in an accident though I did it going left through a green light a few times and the absolute horror seen on the face’s of some female drivers I wish I had caught on video. Finally I think one of the restaurant managers witnessed me doing one of my well practiced slides and warned me to stop. I really should have tried out for Joey Chitwood back then, I might have actually been hired by them.

  7. i was delivering food at about 9pm one evening. i head down very long gravel driveway that had large trees on either side. this driveway had a few turns & i may have been up to 1/4 mile long. after making my delivery i start to leave & once i am about 1/2 way back to the paved road i see a fella about 20 years old walking my way. i start going to the right & he moves to the right so i start going to the left, then he goes to the left. the distance between us becoming less and less so finally i have to either stop or run the guy over. he walks up to my driver's side door & demands to see my ID. i have no idea what he intended to do once he got it but the entire situation just didn't feel right. there was not a house in site so i cranked the steering wheel full right & dumped the clutch on my old Corolla. it was still early spring so my snow tires were still in place & given the fact that this clown was right by my door he must have gotten pelted with multipool rocks & flying dirt. i never let out of it & didn't shift into second until i reached 6000 rpm. a month later i delivered to the same house & after telling the older lady living there, she just about fell down her front steps due to laughing so hard. she said that he lived on the next property over & he tended to pull this stunt with cars he didn't recognize. i explained that i had been worried about injuring him with all of those rocks but she said "oh he is just fine"

  8. Some of the greatest, most insane "on the job" stories I've heard of came from delivery/rental truck drivers. My all time favorite was a clerk at a U-haul dealer who was struggling to track down a cargo truck that two well-dressed women had rented a week earlier. I don't remember all the specifics but the cops called about a few months later and told him they found the truck a few states away. Turns out the "businesswomen" were high price prostitutes. He went to pick up the truck and was shocked. It looked normal on the outside but his heart sank when the impound employee showed the inside. It had been totally turned into a rolling whorehouse. They even bolted a mirror to the ceiling over the vibrating bed! It took a while and it cost his boss a little bit of money to get it turned back to normal but they recouped some of the losses by selling the stuff found in the back. I wonder what they sold…

  9. You had me rolling with the side door access. I drove for the same unnamed delivery company and I attempted a delivery in the morning but the door was locked. I tagged it and left but, upon returning later that day, the door was unlocked and the lady working the desk informed me that “All the other delivery drivers come in my back door.”
    I paused, waiting for her realize the implication, but nothing. I smiled and said, “good to know!”
    Best “that’s what she said” that I ever heard.

  10. You know as a mailman for many years you really see it all. I do miss it but it’s a young persons job over time. Everything from tornados, dildos, alligators, to who’s the town bicycle. God I wish I could tell some tales to everyone.

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