Marketplace Corvette Scammer Steals $1,000 from Me
Someone on Facebook marketplace stole $1,000 from us and we track them down to get it back, but their family...
Making Marketplace Scammer Give ALL of My Money Back
Update from the last video. Was Alan telling the truth? I like to always give people the benefit of the...
The Scammer Who Sold A Fake Country
Go to for 30-day free trial + 20% off! Just when you think you know the depths of the...
Scammer Buys Private Jet, Rubs In Victim’s Faces
Stop data brokers from exposing your information. Go to my sponsor to get a 14-day free trial and see...
A Scammer Sued Me: Who Won?
Go to my sponsor to try 14 days free and let Aura go to work protecting your private information...
Investigating the Internet’s Most Famous Scammer
Extended Cut - Merch - My Podcast with Punchmade Dev ... source