Elizabeth Holmes Found Guilty of Fraud [Theranos Trial Details]
An update to the last time we visited the Theranos saga. ColdFusion Discord: https://discord.gg/coldfusion Previous Theranos Episode: https://youtu.be/3CccfnRpPtM --- About...
This is why you NEVER accept a certified check when selling a car
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The Real Housewife of Wire Fraud
Jen Shah has recently plead guilty to wire fraud charges. INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/spencercornelia1 EMAIL (for video topics) spencer0cornelia@gmail.com EMAIL (for sponsorships)...
Even NFL Stars Are Committing Fraud in 2022
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Banksters: The Untouchable Bank (Global Finance Scandal Documentary) | Real Stories
From the director of ‘Goldman Sachs: The Bank that Rules the World’ comes a major new investigation into corruption at...
This Fake Guru Taught Celebrities How to Commit Fraud
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NYC’s Own “Batman” Was Actually a Fraud
Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring this video! Go to https://clickurl.ca/Spencer-EstablishedTitles and help support the channel. They are now running...
How did this running & driving LFA sell for $3,300?
Buying a used car? Have it inspected by the Lemon Squad - https://vinwiki.com/r/lemonsquad Be sure to subscribe to the @superspeedersRob...