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The commentary community is known for harboring controversial figures, but today we’ll be documenting the long and tumultuous history of one of the most hated commentators on the platform. What has he done to deserve such a reputation and what are the new allegations against him? This is the story of ImAllexx.
TRACKS USED (in order):
Intro – 00:00
The Birth of an Internet Sensation – 7:26
Zaptie – 13:09
Slazo – 24:17
Eboys – 42:40
Alice – 46:34
King Ani – 1:10:26
Jess – 1:15:01
Aftermath – 1:20:37
Conclusion – 1:27:26
This is an open-sourced documentary meant to educate and inform audiences. Educate, document, inform.
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j aubrey
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So he basically saw the other two YouTubers as competition so he embellished the truth on one instance and outright lied in the other to ruin their reputations?
why is this not shocking
we saw his downfall coming we just didnt know when
as someone who has aspd, the zaptie story breaks my heart. im lucky enough to have never experienced a betrayal like that, even though zaptie doesn't actually have it and is also a terrible person. it's a concept im terrified of, which is why i try to be as open about it as possible
this comment doesn't have to do with ANYTHING in the whole hour of doc, but just to say that jaubrey doesn't look like he has the voice he has, so it looks like he's being dubbed by someone else
regardless, amazing content
45:45 bro’s got the eyes of ibad
Youre trying so hard to sound cool and it just sounds weird man.
How he had a career after the Slazo situation is absolutely crazy, that should’ve made him irrelevant like KingAni. Him, Weest and KingAni were some of the worst people in the entire situation because they all refused to say they were wrong.
jeez that 3minute intro of the aids editring at the beginning
I never heard of Alex before but after 10 seconds of seeing him and hearing his stupid fucking accent and seeing his gollum mouth I knew he was a creep. Alex is likely an actual psychopath and his super hard finger pointing at Slazo was just to destract from him being the monster.
I got bad vibes from him way before any of the drama came to light, I know James Charles is an awful person but he instantly dropped someone who he consider a friend over something that proved to be false all to save his image, now obvs James Charles turned out to be a dodgy person however how I see it is he either knew and was fine with it till it was out publicly or he didn’t and dropped a friend over a false rumor
King ani is not innocent, she also helped alex with the fake aligations on slazo
Oh my god I didn't know he was murderous like that irl, I thought literally all of he abuse was online. That's so fucking scary and dangerous. I had no idea how bad it was. I'm so glad she got out. Be safe out there, God. Poor Alice.
…your mom
Im canadien tho 5:47
Such a massive piece of trash. I dislike him more than Logan Paul, and didn’t think that was possible. That poor woman…
Always absolutely hated this guy the second I learned about his existence back in like 2016. Had no real valid reason back then, it was just a vibe I guess. Clearly I was onto something. This guy is a literal psychopath
Just by sheer coincidence, I'm watching this on his birthday lol. Happy birthday I guess
hearing the bit about alex's living conditions reminded me of that whole piss bottle in the hallway thing from a few years ago. i thought it was just a joke or played up for laughs but it feels weird looking back on it now
Lol @ british people
loiiike inn swub scwroibe
Wow, I didn't expect it to be this bad when I clicked this video… How awful, I hope Alice is healing well. What a horrible thing to have been put through.
Dude seriously couldn't even give her a whole pack of Jaffa cakes? she had to share it?! what the fuck?!
Holy manipulated thumbnails, Batman. Hope that's the only thing…
Slazo still seems sleezy
Everytime i see a video or catch a wiff of Alex and the shit he did i get flashbacks to Nicholas Deorio's video that was made a good 5 years ago
excuse? Slazo is Emkay? genuinely did not know
What's the music name?
I can't believe I share my birthday with ImAllexx

Alexs tongue is too big for his mouth
Yep these Brits suck, critical commentary as a job is a cancer everyone unfortunately is witness to.
Lookin forward to the dream crash out vid
The most hilarious thing about this is that a UK YouTuber named Kavos has been warning about Alex for years. And yet people said he was just a hater
I think this is the angriest I’ve ever heard Aubrey sound in his videos. Either thinking about this makes him so angry that he can’t do a take of some lines without it coming through, or he’s angry enough/despises Alex enough that he doesn’t care to try and make a take where it doesn’t. Either way, rightfully so, Alex is a terrible person
Still sad about Slazo. Loved his content. Not Too Late by Lemaitre is in my playlist to this day
Hearing British people argue is fucking wild. They don’t even sound like real people
What a narcissistic bully and abuser.
23:15 what does zaptie have to do with turkey tom??
I know you’re not supposed to judge people on their looks but … how tf did a goblin like him even get a chance with Alice.
Gonna be real, Slazo still feels like a sketchy sleeze, but at least he's not Allexx and at least both of them are dead in the water.
If i took a shot for every "poorly shaven white guy with an absurd number of subs for making vapid content farm material" in this video, I'd be more hammered than Allexx probably was when he locked himself out of his own room and wanted to kill his girlfriend over it.
i remember kwite being the only person to distance himself from the group after all the slazo stuff. gained a lot of respect for him after that
Not gonna lie before the allegations I thought he was gay.
51:15 "Stop talking over me!" he says via text