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48 thoughts on “A Scammer Sued Me: Who Won?

  1. Keep fighting! You’re doing a great service to everyone! Like the saying I grew up: there’ll be a pot of gold at end of the rainbow! You’ll get there!🙏

  2. this is insane– even if you win, you get nothing as he will just say he is bankrupt and can't pay you! you should just become a lawyer yourself at this point to be honest

  3. A real life story:
    A friend of mine lives in India took dating ‘Bootcamp’ session from Derek in Thailand by taking loan !! Spent around 5k USD . He is POOR and still in debt due to it
    Now he is so much brainwashed .. he just does not listen to any of us trying to get him
    Out .
    Results ? No Girl for past 5 years ( he only became weird)
    No job or any source of income ( as he is now motivated to make it very big some day)

    This is all TRUTH !
    Anyone reading this please be aware !
    And Spencer is doing a GREAT job fighting and stopping this !
    @spencercornelia : if you read this PLEASE keep fighting so that others dont get into it

  4. Any idiot willing to give these scammers money deserves to be lied to. Im not the sharpest tool in the shed but just looking at them its quite obvious there scammers and still you find people stupid enough to give them money

  5. YouTuber's going after another YouTuber's, never know who to believe. I watch YouTube to learn something new, I NEVER buy or purchase anything regardless of how great it sounds. 🤔 🤷

  6. Another idea to raise funding would be to do a follow-up on the fake guru Christopher Mitchell, who has been removed from uTube. Thank you for the great content on this channel.

  7. Congrats Spencer! I remember you telling me about this over a year ago at Jesse’s place. So happy for you that you’ve come out on top, and rightfully so. This is a testimate to your quality reporting. Hope all is well, friend!

  8. What do you mean he is a scammer, he was on Fresh and Fit? Fresh "networks" with other CEOs and high value males, I can't see him allow someone like Moneyburg after all that due diligence he does to check each guest's background to make sure they are not platforming someone dishonest. Maybe this was a one off mistake by Fresh…

  9. Ive been a die hard MMA fan for decades so I notied this douche bag and how incredibly fake it was immediately. Everything about it was phony, and I felt bad for the mma fighters who he paid to interview as they were so desperate for cash.

  10. At this price it seems easier to hire a guy to do a thing you can't say on youtube. For real, any normal person seems better off doing that then going to court like this.

  11. How do more folks go after him ?! Very predatory techniques shady tactics only trying to roll you into more courses with no refunds 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

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