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Bam Margera disses Steve-O in a new song he’s featured on. Steve-O responds with a video of his own after Bam Margera says he’s not a real skateboarder.

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20 thoughts on “Bam Margera Disses Steve-O

  1. There is no world where Steve o is considered a great or even good skater, just someone who can get by, that's it, should it be hated on, no, is it good, no, it's not.

  2. The sad thing is people always lash out at the people that try to help them. When someone is not ready to get better Noone can change that except them and as a friend or loved one you can only watch from the sidelines or walk away from them

  3. That clip of Bam making fun of Steve-o skateboarding-my sympathy for Bam struggling to see his son evaporated. My God, with friends like Bam, who needs enemies.
    Bam, once you have bitten the hand of now EVERYONE who ever tried to feed or help you- you are so lost dude. You just cemented the fact that you will sadly, someday, die alone.

  4. Bam is nothing but a spoiled little kid. I think hes jealous because he knows deep within hes f*** up,Bad! Those drugs are taking a toll on him because hes beginnig to look just like Don Vito! YIKES. Dont get me wrong,I loved Don Vito…

  5. Dude Steveo and Johnny owe their entire fame to Bam and Steveos skate skills are mid. Don’t lie. Bam is a total asshole but damn I’d be pretty sour too if my buddies road my coat tails into fame and then forgot about me and do stuff like flaunt their success (which they owe in large part to me) and use things like my son and their fake attempt at showing me my blessings and what success is out there for me. These dudes should have taught Bam how to sell merch and stay relevant a long time ago. They were too late and his life went down the drain. Yeah we all want Bam to get sober but his former friends and colleagues dangle sobriety fame and money above his head just high enough to say they are trying to help but know that they aren’t really doing anything. Give Bam a career or merch deal. He doesn’t even need a deal, just teach him to to sell and market merch. He has plenty of people that would support that. And why even after all the bad stuff, because Bam already took care of you, he already built the rocket that sent your careers into stardom. So you owe him. And not to mention that you guys were complete jackasses back then and he never complained about it. He dealt with it all and took you in as brothers. He needs to get back on his feet and you owe him two feet to stand on after what he did for your careers. Yes he will get clean like all the other guys or at least responsible enough to be a healthy adult. But don’t judge a man while he is down and ravid and not enlightened to what you are yet. Steveo you got sober and then ditched your friend because he couldn’t do it too. Well you still owe him to show him how to make money off of his supporters his fans his merch his fame. Honestly all bam needs is to do something we all see and have his merch promoted and available and easily accessible to the people. That’s it. Show him how to do that. Website with the merch and the links and YouTube and the ads and he can do whatever he wants in his own world. But they keep Bam down man and they just dangle it above his head and act like they would have helped him or are trying to. Blah blah blah he already healed you get famous so just help him sell merch. He doesn’t even need them to be famous he already is. He just needs the ways to make it available to bring money in. Steve o Knoxville are dirt bags for not helping Bam sooner. And I don’t have much respect for it until they do and maybe they never will and they’ll just have to pay for that in another life.

  6. Steveo is still a low beginner skateboarder. I thought better of Bam than to diss someone who is trying to learn how to skateboard better. Just like everything in life, you suck at it but the more practice at something you do the better you will get.

  7. Bam steve-o is practically the only one who's stuck by you and been a friend there's absolutely no need to Diss him so easily like you did sort yourself out ASAP cause your so bang out of order

  8. They're both divas clinging to past times, I loved everything they did, and because of them I had some of the best times of my life with my friends, happy stevo got clean and is a kinda genius for starting a new career riding off the coat tail of his old career, bams head is still swelling, hope he figures it out

  9. Steve-O isn’t great at skateboarding but when you look at him skating the man is having the time of his life I think bam should start skating with Steve-O and maybe their friendship will reunite and maybe bam will get better when he always will have something fun to do like skate and being surrounded by positive people like Steve-O

  10. Why isn't Bam canceled and forgot about. Oh yeah he keeps getting screwed up and making the most embarrassing videos. I just hope he realizes that the videos makes him look way worse. Steveo acts like an adult while Bam is a toddler flopping around on the grocery store floor. All because his mom won't buy him some Fruit Loops!

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