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This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

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Articles on this incident-

Articles on Chicago incident-

Mo. Rev. Stat. § 577.012-

Mo. Rev. Stat. § 577.010-

Mo. Rev. Stat. § 577.001-

Mo. Rev. Stat. § 577.021-

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NHTSA: Standardized Field Sobriety Test Instructor Guide-

NHTSA: Standardized Field Sobriety Test Refresher Instructor Guide-

Chicago Office of Inspector General Second Quarter Report 2020-

Chicago Office of Inspector General Third Quarter Report 2020-

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Hazlewood PD-


Audit the Audit

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Audit the Audit

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46 thoughts on “Police Chief Swiftly “Retires” After This Stop

  1. This is why I don't respect cops…they do more dirt than the average Citizen, but are taken care of by the same ones that have no problem with locking your ass up for the exact same thing! For those of you that support Law Enforcement…did you watch this video?

  2. I want to note that those vertical vision tests are painful with my migraine, as is any using a light, so I personally doubt the veracity of the vertical one.

  3. Any other person would have been violently ripped from the vehicle, beaten and tased well being yelled at to, "STOP RESISTING!!!!!!" Because this drunken idiot was a Chief they handle him with kid gloves and have another Chief drive him home to have, "A long talk." Every cop involved with this stop should be fired and the drunken idiot Chief needs to go to jail.

  4. Field sobriety tests are a joke. Even when blind drunk i can perform them. (other than the eye test, i have stigmatism of the eye, so ill fail it even when sober) In AUS we use calibrated breathalyzers, You cant dodge those.

  5. So much for the Chicago incident teaching these officers a lesson. I don’t know any citizen that’s allowed to be driven home. Absolute deplorable behavior. Shame on these officers. Hall was a coward for not taking accountability for his decision.

  6. The fact that they hem and haw at all about having to do their job is absolutely disgusting. Not even to mention the overwhelming rest of the shitberg.

  7. Setting aside the fact that the chief was hammered, some of the current field sobriety tests would be failed by most sober people in their 60's, including myself, and I haven't had a drink since 1986.

  8. I'll bet the scummy chief has arrested lots of drunk drivers. Even if they said they were sorry. I'd also bet the other scummy chief didn't give the non-cop drunk drivers a ride home, with a stern talking to. God bless all of these new technologies. 🎬 😁 📽

  9. A typical example of police corruption (The thin Blue line) except for the officer who initiated contact, the rest of the police involved should be fired , not suspended for 5 days with pay, which is typical in today's police world. This is why I don't trust cops. They lie and kiss each other's butts

  10. I don’t know if you can call this corruption. I’ve known quite a few people who were just regular citizens who were cut breaks in these cases. Someone had to pick them up and they had to leave their car. I think officers make judgement calls on whether or not they are going to ruin someone’s life based on a single mistake. If you’re of the opinion that that’s wrong, that’s fine. But it’s not necessarily good ol’ boy police corruption. Officers do have consciences and hearts.

  11. "You realize the position you are putting us in right?" um they would not give a damn if it was not another law enforcement person and they should not care that it is the chief. He is driving just like me and he should be treated just like me IF I were intoxicated or suspected of being so. "I am liable, this is all on camera I have to do my job" again this doesn't even need to be said just because he is chief.

  12. When police and politicians 'retire' after dubious & questionable conduct, how is sitting at home collecting a pension for the rest of their life, just-punishment? I see that as a reward unless their pride gets in their way!!

    The problem is, there are no more standards let alone consequences. America is turning into a free-range banana republic. We need to raise our standards, lower our tolerance and exemplify our Constitution. It's the only thing saving us from becoming a tyrannical nation.

  13. I used to drive drink all the time. Got pulled over several times. Never got even one dwi charge because I kept my cool, didn't try to bullshit the cop, even volunteered for a breath test once. It's a god damned miracle I never killed anybody. Haven't drank and drove for fifteen years. Hopefully this former chief will be embarrassed for the rest of his life, find a few moments of solace and repentance and be able to finish his years knowing he got lucky and will not tempt fate again.

  14. I can’t be mad at the officer who did the traffic stop. He stuck to his guns on this and he was scared he was gonna get in trouble in this situation no matter what…..
    All because he was doing his job.

  15. If you a cop you jus get the police chief home safely then you get promoted duh come on chess moves guys ! I woulda called over another unit say chief ain’t feeling good we gonna drive him home and that’s that then next week chief gives me a promotion or gets extorted out of his reputation 🤣🤣🤣 fuck I turned into a dirty cop

    Edit: I just watched the rest of video and the chief came and took him home ahaha that’s why he’s the chief lmfaooo

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