[00:00] Cannabis Veg Stage In 1.5 Gallon Pots
[00:44] Light – PAR, Hanging Height, Light Cycle, DLI, Watts Drawn, etc.
[07:04] Water – PH, Chlorine & Chloramine
[09:27] VPD is Temperature and Humidity
[11:46] Cannabis Weed Pr0n – Cannabis Close-Ups with our Canuk Seed Strains @canukseeds4790
[12:07] “Amber” : Alien Cookies x Kush Mints
[13:31] “Jade” : Alien Cookies x Kush Mints
[15:14] “Pearl” : Bubblegum Sherbert
[17:31] “Ruby” : Bubblegum Sherbert
[20:53] LOVE you Guys! Thanks for Watching!
[20:57] DumbStuff
✼✼✼ Useful Links for Cannabis Growers ✼✼✼
OUR DISCORD: https://discord.gg/9XMfGHSdJ2
Our Cannabis Grow Spreadsheet: https://growdaddy.tv/TIMELINE-SEASON-8.xlsx
Our “How to Water Cannabis” Video: https://youtu.be/3Uck0o5-eWo
Our Cannabis Grow Lights Explainer Video: https://youtu.be/6ITrykoUniA
VPD Chart: https://bit.ly/VPD-Chart-for-Cannabis
DLI Charts: https://bit.ly/Cannabis-DLI-Charts
DLI Calculator: https://bit.ly/DLI-Calculator
Dr. Bruce Bugbee: https://www.youtube.com/@ApogeeInstrumentsInc
Shane at MIGRO: https://www.youtube.com/@MIGROLIGHT
BuildASoil: https://www.youtube.com/@BuildASoil
Coco for Cannabis: https://www.youtube.com/@DrMJCoco
GT at WTTGT: https://www.youtube.com/@WelcometoTheGrowTent
Garden Talk with Mr. Grow It: https://www.youtube.com/@GardenTalkwithMrGrowIt
✼✼✼ Product Links & Discount Codes ✼✼✼
Canuk Seeds – where we got this season’s cast
GOVEE Hygrometer / Thermometer
PAR Meter – http://amzn.to/3UKh3X4
Watt Meter – https://amzn.to/3hERDLK
PH Pen – https://amzn.to/3Ee8Tjg
Thermometer Hygrometer Unit – https://amzn.to/3Ivk8qh
Happy Frog Soil – https://amzn.to/3YBSTzZ
Jiffy Peat Pellets – https://amzn.to/40OIK4t
Tray & Dome – https://amzn.to/3Xkmexq
Seedling Heat Mat & Thermostat – https://amzn.to/3YI7YQb
Seedling Light – https://amzn.to/3IiBLJE
Stash Box & Other Fine Tools from BlueBus: https://bluebusft.com/?ref=uILocV0C
. Grove Bags for Curing:
Use this 5% discount code to save money: GrowDaddyTV
https://autocure.ca in Canada
https://grovebags.com in U.S.
MARS HYDRO 3% Discount Code: GrowDaddyTV
https://www.marshydroled.ca in Canada
https://www.mars-hydro.com in U.S.
All our amendments are organic and we use Gaia Green
Check for out-takes and dumb stuff at the end of lots of our videos!
Love you guys – thanks for watching our video!
Website: https://www.GrowDaddy.TV
Find us on the socialz: GrowDaddyTV:
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20 thoughts on “S08 E07 – Day 43 Of This Grow, Day 19 of Veg Stage – Ruby Is Special & Up-Potting is Imminent”
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good video! hey idk if you touched on this sure you have lol so sry..but for the blumat soil moisture meter do you find the recommended moisture lvls they recommend are they good for cannabis or do you find another number on the moisture meter is better to water at? thanks! hope that makes sense lol
very good explanation on the lightning. I have the same issue in early veg. I try too stay in the same 300 par range as i was stressing the ladies.
Another good video Patrick. I was watching some more of your content today and my wife said "You like this channel?". I said ya most grow channels I can watch for about 1 min max then it's boring and kind of the same old thing. Your videos suck me in somehow. I think it's because your grows do well and because of that I like to see you go through your process. It's tough as an experienced grower to watch most channels. I like to keep learning and I find it's easier to do that from other growers that are on the same level or above me. It's like playing golf. If you want to get good play someone better than you. Anyways. Look forward to the rest of the season now that I am caught up. Your newest Canadian subscribers sending big love to both of you
. Hopefully we can one day chat further in a more private setting and talk soil and plants and gardens and make a great friendship out of it.
Excellent video man! Great
info – I get lots of tips from yor videos !
I just harvested a plant yesterday so I’m drying and then trimming / curing in the grove bags prob in 2 weeks.
I learned that with fungus gnats – if you use mosquito bits it kills then off entirely.
I do 1 TBSP in my 5 gallon bucket that I use as my reservoir. I just have the bucket next to my tent and it had aeration in it and I PH it to 6.5 and water from there. While it’s sitting there just bubbling away – I throw 1 TBSP mosquito bits in the water and let them just stay in the water prior to my watering of the plants –
look up mosquito bits it’s a game changer for fungus gnats and other pests that dwell in the soil.
Lookin good! Fun to hear you two on Mr Grow It too btw
awesome update man, the ladies are looking great as always
Bubble gum shrimp slap
Maybe you should rename Ruby “Forest Gump” (after the owner of The Bubba Shrimp Co.) The ladies are looking healthy.
They have par meter apps for the phone. Not sure how accurate they are. I don't really pay much attention to par. I'm running 300 watts at 65% in veg. 2 Mars Hydro 150 watts lights daisy chained. I just added the second one and seen a huge difference fast! Thanks for all the info once again, love the videos! Thank you.
Bubble gum shrimp sounds awful. lol
but a good nickname for her. The runts always get more attention. Might be why they usually turn out the best. I really enjoy your content. Puts a laugh in my day. Thank you! Happy Growing

God so loved the world that on the 7th day he gave us Grow Daddy TV Amen and Amen
Gnats, use T-Drops. Only thing that works. Use 2 drops a gallon at first till they are gone, then 1 drop every 1-2 gallons.
Do you ever give your lady’s a golden shower
Great job man, have you tried mainlining. It's a great way to gain weight.

Excellent video! Detroit supports you
Nice girls
Thanks for the video! I put diatomaceous earth in my soil to help with gnats, it kills the larvae.
A lot of these content creators are running co2, you can blast them if your running co2
Been waiting for this. C'mon!!