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Imagine running out of Blazy Susan cones while your car isn't working and you're walking to the gas station thinking you're gonna have to settle for some Raw cones while not even knowing a whole new surprise awaits. Thank you for this, Berner
Hell yeah !!!
i looked up in 711 at counter and said vibes wtf. congrats man
Shout-out berner the ultimate favorite connoisseur of all time my g, rolling a king size hemp vibe rn

Need them at Cumberland farms
Berner will always keep throwin viral because of
i) his voice
ii) he is byin vews fram HIPVIEWS DAWT CAWM
iii) fans like me
HAPPY TO BE APART OF HISTORY 11/23/24 !! My limited edition poster so fuegoooooooo !! #VibeTribe #VibesLNK
Who Evers idea this was, was High as a MoFu.

Damn berner. You got 7,11 pushing vibes for you!!… Congrats brotha that's a fuckin $$$-maker!!.. Stay on the gas burner

hey my brother.I am your big fan.i like your day to day vlog.i am Sri Lankan.
Love you Berner
Mexico also?
D.A.F Berner really taking over the industry
My fav papers one packs a day keep the doctor away

I work at 711 can't wait to get em. I'll help sell em 4 sho 0:21
Congrats Berner
This is a milestone. Imagen expanding to MX and Canada
Berner please read your emails and call Rob. You will be glad you did.
make some 1 1/2 cones
Daaam i forgot about the ultra thins
Vibes at sev’s

Thank you for sharing


So im not even sure if this comment will move in any direction but,it woulda been amazing since you have linked up with nipsey hussle on a track in the passed,for you to have some type of buisness cross w/the marathon (TMC tho) ex:TMC x COOKIES or things along that nature since yall cali bread.the ideas I’d throw out there on who you should link with vice versa & expand the culture by tapping into futureship w/cookies/authentic cali natives,& possibly collabo’s with other main heavy hitter city natives,entertainers,artists would be a movement.But keep the journey comin brother
thats sales pitch friendly & creative!!!i love that!!thats a win for VIBES & 7 eleven!!i admire your buisness vision bern!!!


Not a fan!!!
On my way to my local 7-11 rn!
Congratulations, big burn doing big things.
Respect from the shark tank 408
1 1/4size 7-11
Announcer: "Just a little blunt wrap… making it's way in the world today…"
Making your way in the world today
Takes everything you've got
Taking a break from all your worries
Sure would help a lot
Wouldn't you like to get away?
Good job berner & vibes papers team/management
Is yall at vibes papers gone create like how elements papers had them by the yard so like create your own length vibes papers? With tips on the bottom package.
Damm i cant stand 7 eleven they credit card scam you..ill just get mine at the smoke shop
Can’t wait for the day we have Cookies at the corner gas station
Good l
K because I'd be searching for them

Fuck yea

Awesome finally thank you

What finally I don’t have to go to head shop!

What's the msrp
The sac area vibes rep is trash… they are always sold out and I have yet to see the Vibes roll…
Many blessings
I can’t wait for them to come out