How Illinois FAILED at Weed Legalization (Documentary)
This mini doc on Illinois Legalization was created by @ColeMemo(
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About: This documentary uncovers the hidden flaws in Illinois’ legalization of our favorite plant, exposing how initial excitement turned into a complex web of criminal penalties and inequities. Through in-depth analysis and interviews, it reveals how promises of reform were overshadowed by political interests and limited access, leaving many residents still facing criminal consequences for a plant in a state where it’s supposedly legal.
For an even deeper dive into the history of advocacy and policy in Illinois, visit
To explore real-life examples of the ongoing criminalization of the plant in Illinois, visit
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I’m commenting before watching but everyone here knew it was just being used to create distro licenses that are simply political favors.
It could be a lot worse, we could be Indiana.
All the dispens there have a "meet me under the street light in the Walmart parking lot" vibe. This among many other reasons are why I deliberately avoid dispens. Don't get me started on the pesticides and the fact there is only 3 terpene profiles in dispen weed. Dispensary weed is homogenized trash. Edited – Telling people it is legal when it really is not is entrapment on mass scale isn't it?
Yeah 90% of the distro licenses went to J. B. Pritzker's donation buddy's holding a monopoly on the cannabis market in Illinois. The other 10% were the lucky few that got in at the Medical level pre J.b. Pritzker and were able to convert licenses. I will only buy my cannabis on the black market OR the one Dispo I know wasn't one of his crooked ass buddys..
Social equity= segregation. I want free market and capitalism on cannabis low taxation. "F" Social equity.
Taxation and regulations are oppression.

This is Democrats party play book to win votes. They promise legalization but with chains and criminals sentence.
So this is my take on this whole situation my state Indiana is looking at our next door neighbor Illinois shaking their head going no way this is why this is never going to do this Illinois is kind of failed in the aspect of if you look at the way California and Oregon in Colorado did it what's the rules in the regulations in the laws and stuff
Illinois is just corrupt af I know from so much experience
Most Iowans go to Missouri or Minnesota now.
Colorado has all these same limitations. Can’t smoke around your neighbors, 2oz limit to carry, can’t sell it. So did Colorado fail as well for the same reasons?
Tom Priska is in Jeffrey Epstein's black book, Jena Preska (formerly James Preska) has almost single handly funded the LBGQ agenda, that is the reason Dems lost to Trump who is ALSO in Jeffrey Epstein's black book. I think the public has been had!
People drive 8 hrs to buy bunk mid weed from Michigan sure you save 300 dollars but all the gass and milage isnt worth it plus tires are expensive and god forbid you get stuck out there after you made your purchase
Lol you can grow 5 plants but only posses 30grams? Makes no sense. 5 plants to me, is 5 lbs
My $500 grow shits on anything Illinois produces.

Only been to a dispensary once here in SO IL and stuff was so bad, my thc-a consistently gets me higher than our dispensary grade stuff.
It’s way to high for consumers idc who can get a license or not
32:12 i was not expecting that. That shit hilarious
It's not the cannabis industry's job to ensure successful minority businesses. Enough communism.
legal weed or not, that is
not the reason why three times as many Black people are arrested as any other race. It’s just because we commit AT LEAST 3X the amount of crimes. You can’t be arrested(charged) unless you break the law so if you think about it for even one second. It is sounds like they were breaking the law and had more than the amount you’re allowed to have. Most likely they were selling it, and who else are you going to sell to nowadays besides minors that can’t buy it in the stores? …Lock them up!
Do not buy cannabis from a dispensary in Illinois period
How can the smell be enough:/ even where I live in the UK they can’t go by the smell alone as that’s just there opinion & easily could be wrong plus’s it’s not even evidence you can show someone. I’ve smelt floor cleaner that stunk of cheese, in the end of the day you’ll find terps smells from cannabis in all kinds of things in life so that police can’t just use the potential smell of cannabis as an excuse to search you or arrest you. I just can’t believe this is still going on in the US out of all the countries I just would’ve thought this would be over. Ps love all your documentaries, Dude.
I'm 8 minutes in and these laws are absolutely insane. I am in ohio and the harvest from one plant has a good chance of sending me over the limit of what I can possess. I can grow 12 plants, the max I can posesse is 70 grams. Make that make sense
Pretty sad when 200 dollars in Illinois gets me a half oz and in Michigan 200 bucks gets me 2 oz , couple carts, some extracts maybe perhaps an edible or two? Ya Illinois did it straight for profits.
But one can buy:
300 cases of vodka, 1000 bottles of whisky, 1500 cases of beer, 10,000 packs of cigarettes, all day everyday then stock pile those poisons and do it again the next day…no problem.
We have been lied to about cannabis.
Truth = Cannabis has never killed anyone
We need a video on hardbody kid
U should do a review on Utah’s medical marijuana program it’s funky
chicago is the most corrupt city in usa and greed is the north star.
Why does the state have such an Anti-White agenda? You get a very large amount of points for being brown?
Bro I been waiting for you to drop some shit. I know life gets busy and ish… but I do enjoy your investigation vids. And your own subtle narration I liked too… but I'm here
everyone who falls for the "trap: obviously didnt pay attention to the still Federally Illegal part… State doesnt really matter… I buy one pre roll at a time, smoke it not in public or driving around like all the ree's and ive had no issues…
use ur brains people
Cash grab. The greedy state wants more tax dollars. Always more more more. If it was truly legal, you wouldn't have to pay the state to grow.
And I forgot to mention the products at the dispensaries are mediocre at best,and the taxes are wacky,Legalize home growing!!
We have a saying in Illinois,if a Democrat is involved,it's f#@ked right out of the box,This was just to help Pritzker's donors.
dont need an hour long documentary to tell me, I can look at those prices. Sum really wrong
"legalization" is just another way for worthless politicians to get more votes. The federal gov. Must do it, bc they are the ones who lied .
But you can have all the alcohol you want
so stupid
Buying weed there is worse than when it was illegal.
All that molded huff ass weed
all this shit did was make a bigger black market.llinois dispoweed is absolute garbage dregs and no one that actually knows weed smokes that crap, all it did was give the politicians a legal monopoly over others in the state, and unlike Michigan it does not allow collectives to help balance that corporate influence thus not being a free market and is just fucking the consumer at the end of the day. we need to stop this shit, cannabis doesn't hurt people, in fact I feel it is a better alternative to socially drinking, it's more controllable for most people and isn't going to kill your fucking liver
Is this future for America??? Future kids on drugs??? I see people drive and smoke that s…t! It's the same thing as driving and drinking alcohol. Also, it smells horrible. Like it or not, this should stay banned!!!
did you use my voice illegally? And say every stupid thing I said like I didn't have a plan?
why do you want to keep accusing me of being a communist because I'm a russian jew?