Nikki Glaser regrets having big teeth, recounts a recent romantic interaction with a tree branch and makes a case as to why she wants a boyfriend.
Original airdate: May 3, 2013
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front row got the best view in the house
She keeps getting hotter
Top 5 favorite comedian I love you nikkki
Amy Schumer has nothing on this one.
FFS, quit censoring comedians.
ave you ever had sober sex???????????? lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's really funny on the celebrity roasts.
30+yr old women that wear makeup are ma'am in my book….I am 48 & fairly fit…..just sayin'
Is it me, or does she look like she’s in her 30’s? It seems like most women in their late twenties these days, look at least a decade older. Not aging well at all.
Can't watch with bleeps, sorry.
"if he bought you dinner at Chili's you should wiggle"

Another comedian woman that isn't funny… "My vagina, my vagina, ABORTION" … Not funny to any actual man… Not funny… Women only joke about relationships and their VAGINA… YAWN…. Men make 100% better comedians, every, single, time…
Hawt. I'm a 40 year old with a queen bed, but you'll have to push the pile of clothes off of your half.
I thought that was Teri Garr
The female mind is a frightening thing
For non muscular legs, they’re pretty frigging hot.
A daughter's sacrifice
At 1:10. I am out, thumbs down with the censorship
Ali Siddiq here! Please check out The Domino Effect series on my YouTube. They are 4 independently produced and self-financed comedy specials, detailing the true stories that ultimately lead to getting busted by the FBI at 19 years old and spending 6 years in prison of a 15-year sentence. They have outperformed 99% of the comedy specials that the big streamers have released.
The Domino Effect 1 (14M Views)
The Domino Effect 2: LOSS. (6M Views)
The Domino Effect 3: First Day of School (5M Views)
The Domino Effect 4: Pins & Needles (4M Views)
Doubled edged sword should be the name of her special.
Wait what?? What im watching this is YouTube auto play. Okay I'll watch
I hope she’s not serious about being a mudshark
Is there anything more annoying than when they bleep out the swearing? Its a stand up comedy routine for Christ sakes
Ahhh – so funny! Thanks.
Thanks so much MR OBALAR on YouTube for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.
Thanks so much MR OBALAR on YouTube for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.
Thanks so much MR OBALAR on YouTube for curing me from Herpes, keep saving lives.
Not wort watching with all the censorship. If you didn’t want cussing you shouldn’t have recorded the show and then posted it on YT for all to see.
I'm not sure if YouTube or Comedy Central is censoring this but, what next? Do you have any Family Planning suggestions?
Lol thats me but i.45
That food looks amazing! Many blessings to you both! Enjoy
I think after 10 minutes a channel can curse and not lose monetization. So, to keep up the bleeps over and over is just a punk move.
Very funny
No one came to watch a Nikki Glaser special to hear BEEPS for F's sake !!
None stop laughter
. She's hilarious
Who listens to censored adult comedy? Wtf?
kind of boring humor you gave me two Chuckles that's it
at 1 min i stopped watching when losers censor content. peace
Nikki AWESOME and SEXY as F! Beeping out comedy is an absolute FAIL! Thumbs down is not for you Nikki, it’s for censuring you!
Who the bleep bleeped bleeping Nikki Glaser??
She's alright. About 3 solid jokes in the 25 minute set that were funny, the rest was satire, not stand up
really proves how damaged those old comedians were who said women can't be funny
Yep bleeps and I’m out
Why is she not naked what a waste of time
Teeth draggers are the worst. They do it so you won't ask them for it again.
Females whining about men and dating, how original.
I love Nikki Glaser
Loce Nikki. ate the guy who decided bkeepung would be a good idea for a stand-up show!