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For over a decade, Steven Crowder has built up a brand as one of the leading voices in conservative media. This past year, everything changed. Join me as we document the long and polarizing career of a professional victim and failed comedian.

TRACKS USED (in order):


intro 00:00
theater kid turned grifter 4:35
fox era (and the time steven got decked by a union guy) 12:36
louder with crowder 19:20
change my mind 29:50
cower with crowder 44:07
the conservative civil war 50:08
steven’s divorce 1:01:39
ring camera leak 1:06:54
ex-friends and employees speak out 1:15:41
conclusion 1:24:34


Open-source documentary meant to educate and inform.


j aubrey

About Post Author

j aubrey

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29 thoughts on “The Facade of Steven Crowder | An Empire of Hate and Hypocrisy

  1. Got into American Conservative politics a few years ago, wtached this guy and found him exhausting, he doenst stop for air . yelling at his dad is awful. Wonder what his brother is like.

  2. Never understood these hit pieces on Crowder. Did someone promise you, or had anyone ever presented him as some moral ideal man in the first place? Why would you expect such things from him then? You can't always know those things about people in your actual life, let alone someone you've only ever seen on a screen peddling ideas, goods, or services.
    Like the literal goal of these videos is to say "Crowder is bad." Um… okay?
    What's your point? What's your basis of comparison? Haters gotta hate I guess, but why feel the need to project that onto Crowder as an Empire of Hate as your content literally aims to do exactly the same thing exclusively? Are you self aware enough to realize you hate him for being so much like you? This video reveals more about it's maker than it does about Steven Crowder or any of his compatriots. The fact you care that much alone reveals hypocrisy in every criticism that follows.
    All Christians are hypocrites. Change my mind.
    Democrats kill democracy. Change my mind.
    Republicans conquered the Union to end state rights. Change my mind.
    Bring receipts.
    You hate Steven Crowder. Mmmkay. Some of us don't like popcorn. So what?
    I like turtles.
    Vegetarians maim the helpless and defenseless through exclusively devouring plants.
    How dare they!
    If it's any consolation, none of us at API ever found Steven Crowder particularly funny either.
    More of an activist, and the most important activists will always technically be hypocrites.
    Snowden did the job before he could be labeled a whistleblower.
    Jefferson both profited and practiced the slave trade, and also openly professed that the beliefs in his heart did not support the lifestyle he practiced, and without question Jefferson was instrumental in facilitating what would eventually end the slaving industry across the entire union of American States. So is he a villain? A patriot? A hero? All of the above at once, perhaps?
    Why then must a mere webcast/podcast show host be expected to be some moral vessel of divine justice? The very idea that Steven Crowder could offend you so greatly over such trivial low brow substance, is pathetic.
    In order to make this scathing critique, you must have noticed all sources were linked in the description, and made use of them. Good! That's what they're there for. Are the issues he discusses relevant? Good! Because even if you decide to build a show around combatting HIS like TYT transformed into being, those back and forth mechanisms allow people to be more informed. That's his stated purpose, and his current job. So that makes him successful. (Even though his "comedy" objectively stinks) In making this video, you yourself considered his points, viewed his sources, and clapped back with another video expressing YOUR own worldview perspectives, no better than Steven Crowder, and no different.
    No matter if your a good person or not, nor if your funny or not (you aren't) as long as you are doing your job well, and the public is benefiting, the primary purpose has been served, while filling that important journalistic void now that traditional media is full blown post Orwellian newspeak propagandists.

  3. Crowder speaks truth to power!!! He fights against people like you, who water down, or highly edit your video, hoping you can turn people against someone who would DESTROY you in any debate!!! He fights for TRUE freedom of speech and our constitutional freedom in general… People like you are disgusting, sore losers, so you have to falsify things to make any "threat" to your political opinion look like they are a "threat" to democracy etc etc…..

  4. Fucking trash ass video. Steven crowder is a better person now than you will ever be in your entire life. That goes for any and all of you commenting negative shit. You’re all pieces of shit.

  5. Hes literally what those right wing people who like to regulate bathrooms are afraid of

    A cis man pretending to be transwoman going on places to harass people

    So we solved here that the problem isnt the trans women

    Thanks steven

  6. I had never heard about this guy. And all I'm left wondering following watching this video is… what's the deal with him touching people with his testicles? Is that a thing men do? Because, I'm a man. And, I can honestly say… I've never randomly flopped it out to just randomly touch people with my testicles. I don't understand the behavior. Is it an attempt at being the alpha male? Because I know of no species where this is behavior that males engage in in an attempt to exert dominance. If anything, it leaves you very, very vulnerable. Grab and twist… say goodbye to your dominance.

  7. Steven Crowder is not pathetic enough to make and hour and half video about a guy he hates. He'd accomplish the same in a short parody. Learn from the best and you might get there.

  8. Crowder doesnt claim to be the perfect christian. He admits his flaws regularly. You can have values and sometimes fall short of them. I think a father is extremely important to young kids. Doesnt stop me working too much. The man is no saint and thats why people like him. Because he is a bit of a piece of shit but he owns it. You had to cherry pick a QUOTED tweet to find an example of him seeming rightous. He has people of ALL faiths working for him. (Maybe not a muslim but i dont think thats him l, i think no mhslims would want to work somewhere where you MIGHT get ribbed a little"

  9. The irony of telling your pregnant wife to take an uber for an errand that definitely needs to be done, just so you have the car sitting in the driveway 'in case' you decide to go to the gym, your parents or your friends house. How inconsiderate of her :S What he can't take an uber? And why doesn't he walk the damned dog and pick up the poop that is possibly contaminated by medication and is unsafe for pregnant women instead of insisting she do it? Him doing it would be even safer than her using gloves…

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