This is hands down the BEST BOX we have done yet!!!! IG : TWITTER …
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Dope As Yola
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Been subbed for ever all I did was change my name bruh haven’t seen ur shit inna min looked on ur website 60$ for a half zip is insane bro definitely ordering soon
Ok so… If Youtube was a tangible place we could visit, I love this spot right here, I would really go without thought straight to that booth, sit my lungs down and just watch these carnales smoke down on the highest, Dopest, quality we can find in any smoke shop… Worldwide soon… Blessings.
I just can't wait 'till the Dopest Genetics makes it's appearance here in our beautiful country, Mexico, so we can go to the little store in the corner, and be hella happy with the best, and unique terps and potency we could never taste just off our rolling hills around here… Muy pronto
"That Purple Cream.''
We need another box like this its perfection
Make more EDIBLE challenge videos take 18 grams of rso oil capsules 800 mg per gram x 18 makes 14,000 mg you could do 6 grams for a dose of 5,000 mg

Is this legal to ship to Kentucky would love to do you flower brother
Top of the line
the dialogs are Hella funny at times.
Any edibles w/no sugar or 0 carb sugar alternatives? To not break keto?
Are the micros fixed now all the vids of folks who bought the micros have been straight larf and trim???? I was about to order them I seen that video and totally made me change my mind
Just got a box it’s delivering Friday
Is there anyone else that just smokes bowls? Because a lot of people that I smoke with they fucking make fun of me for just smoking balls and not smoking blunts or joints but I just say fuck them. I love my balls and I love my bong hits
I honestly love the micros I hate blunts and joints I only smoke bowls

hell nah he aint finsih that joint i would take that shit ina heartbeat
that ending is the funniest shit
Wnat to order hellahigh club box.. but dont kbw how man..missing out

bros tolerance is insane
Big up the psychoactive substances act that bans any chemical sold for consumption that alters your mental state so we can't get cool loopholes like this.
I got high just watching this
awsome shows yall Im hooked
"Did you go bacc for a 2nd hit & rip it?" Him… YUUUUP
Do you not like John or what yola damn
I wish they had a subscription option that wasn’t so expensive, like maybe something like $50-80? Because I would love this but I couldn’t possibly smoke this much weed lol.
I just dropped some YouTube live videos on the Cherry Diesel Micros
I wish There was an all flower box option every month
How long does it take to restock the site? Not being a d*** just asking
Just became the newest member of the hella high club can’t wait to get it definitely worth $180 for sure
Tell camera man shoot the bud at F4.0 or higher, the bokeh is too strong a cant see the bud lol
Thomas it would be awesome if you could do White Widow in micros and also more that Mint Slushie that was amazing
day on whe nare you coming to thailand or sell here
can you sell in thailand plz
Dea just ruled that thca is not considered legal hemp. Your loophole is no more stay safe shit changing.
It would be better if he had put two chocolate bars ! On the box !
And you get me sitting here with my amber trichome outdoor

Smoking with y'all is really chill

I ordered a carta 2 today and a zone of GMO while watching me and senior stoner my 72 yr old father watching too
No that joint is absolutely not done ??!
“That’s crazy, I said Marty” lmao
you can tell these mfs are best friends, shits so entertaining