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Today we look at some of the most craziest conspiracies in Hip-Hop.

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29 thoughts on “Rap’s Craziest Conspiracies..

  1. Chile I'm 1 minute in and I'm SO IMPRESSED!!!!!!!! Louaista what you know about Hip Hop!!!??? Whaaaaaatttt!! IKTR babyboy! No wonder I love your channel! You know your fundamentals!!!!!

  2. Uhhh Drake killing X is not a theory it’s a fact he went to court for it but it got dropped that’s why he Tweet green light Rip X in illuminati the real life version of that is call Freemasons they are related to the founded fathers. Why do you think every president are related via cousins?or uncles ? I
    ❤ black gates

  3. Catholicism and Christianity are religions that need to be outlawed and exiled again.
    Until the end of the 19th century both religions were illegal to practice in more than 85% of the world.

  4. If these people were satanic, not Christian or Catholic, you'd never hear them say love for God ……………….😅
    Which is because the Illuminati is a god loving organization. God lovers are the biggest hypocrites and manipulators and sexual predators.
    God does not love you. Hell wouldn't be a great tactic for instilling fear into a group of people.
    Someone all loving doesn't use manipulation tactics.
    Unconditional love in that religion system is a one way street: you love god or go to hell.
    Absolutely nowhere does it say god must love you in return.

  5. turn to Jesus Christ he loves all of us more than anything and he literally died for us. He took in the punishment for our sins thru on the cross. It wasn’t cuz we deserved it, but cuz he loved us. 1 John 4:10 “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” it was thru his love that he died for us and we can be forgiven

  6. I do believe that the music industry is "illuminati" they have people who have great influence in the world. If the new world order happens, music industry leaders, artists, etc will be at the top ranks.

    If that sounds nutty then you have no clue whats happening right now. The rich control us and everything we do. They survey us. It is NOT the government. The government is a tool being used. Used by oligarchs. Major industry leaders, etc. People who have money have power OVER the government.

    Dont believe they control us?
    Do you eat fast food? Well of course you do. Because its cheap and its there. Do you know what that stuff does to your body and mind?

  7. this stuff is fun, but some of it is just silly or crazy. Rappers are just regular people…Think about it, if you were in their positions, you would probably find it funny to "admit" you're in the illuminati and sold your soul for fame. Just to fuck with people. I know I would.

  8. Do a 2 and tell wats true for u .And ur ratings will rush so fast ,so high they will turn blue ,so fast like ur face out the window

    No oxygen turns u blue then there will be much more to do turning GOLD AFTER BLU RATINS RATINS RATINS AS RHE GOLD MANAFESTS FASTER AND FASTER IF U AT THE PROPER GATE .

  9. It is very very difficult to believe Eminem's lyrics didnt get him to the top. Not to mention Dr dre was his producer. His lyrical ability is just way way too good, and im no Stan by any means.

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