Spaced out of my mind…swimming on the floor trying to figure out what life is….we have all been there…this is STORY TIME IG …
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Dope As Yola
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that explanation of how it feels of wanting to be sober was so real
10:43 “it’s time to go into full detail”
Doesn’t go into full detail by now telling us what the voice told him to do and what celebrity faces he saw lol
Him looking and being fascinated by a light reminds me of the Fillmore from Cars gag xD
Dope story
claustrophobia of your own body explains what you mean so well, honestly props brother, that was tough
Hey fam just watching this back now. Idk why I said I didn’t do it before but I did take the second deal they gave me. It was to use the energy of my abusers to “propel my career forward” is what they said. I was homeless at the time and needed it. They’re like a cult and wait for you to be your most vulnerable. I went off contract 2 months ago and since then the entity has taken the apartment they gave me, I can’t drive anymore, and my job got sabotaged. I still had to work during the deal lmfak so shit. I’m homeless now tho
one time i had a bad trip and i fell and busted my nuts
Ay yola im thinking abt taking mushrooms for the firdt time how much should i take i wanna trip
“I’ll give up smoking for like a week”

same bro same (I’m re watching vids high ash)
Man I just had my first real experience with hallucinations, and my first time seeing everything change it freaked me out and I started having a bad trip. Only thing that kept me calm was wrapping myself up in my cover and walk in circles
, but as I was coming down that was the best experience ever. I just wish I was able to focus on what was a going on
this guy is funny
one time i was way to faded off shrooms n gas, n anyway i passed out n woke up trippin still n started freakin th outt but then i was like shii im trippin still n chilled myself but shii time to smoke n watch ts cuzzo
This this episode was like a Tales from the Trip but I could imagine the animation just from your vivid descriptions.
I like the conclusion abt either it unlocked something in the room or in your brain or just TRIPPIN!
A hallucination of an internal conflict about your business decisions and values, themed by the drugs impending doom sensation or science or spiritual shit. whos to say
whats the difference.
good shit man Josh wolf must live in a weird reality too
Every time you were like “I don’t know if that makes any sense “ it literally made SO MUCH sense lmao
now i get it lol
Omg I just subscribed your funny asf
Been here since season 1
First time hearing of you. Good stuff man
Heard using sage and setting intention beforehand is important.
My worst trip was at my gfs me and my gf and my gf cousin all took them they only took 3GS each and I decided to take 8 gs of golden caps and all I remeber from the trip was sitting on the couch thinking everything was connected
NAH i had a bad trip and watched american dad and saw the whole family eating MAD chick wings FOR i swear it seemed for a good hour havent and wont watch the show again
I did l shrooms a 2-3 months. The first time I gotten caps. I had a bought a oz and measured what I thought was about 10 grams.
I took about 14 grams tripping for like 8 hours.
There a light across my street that goes out and back on. I thought it was going to explode. Then I saw a green light and that I was going to get sniped out so I ducked.
The next experience was worse and I took less about maybe 6-7grams.
I felt a portal opened and was convinced demons were about to pass through into my house.
Also shrooms made me open and believe in religion and GOD, like a switched turned on that was always off.
No bc this is why I feel shrooms or psychedelics have a gateway to the afterlife. Because, the story sounded like the devil was trying to buy your soul bro lmao
Only told a few ppl this, but I took 3G’s of Golden teachers to the face with my brother, who used to psychologically and physically abuse me, i was drinking, and I smoked. Then hell began. Hands and eyes coming out the walls, people running at me with hatchets, the sky went from black to red, then the killer, getting up from the toilet, lasted 0.0002 seconds, in the middle of standing up 3 people in hazmat suits were standing around me in an all white landscape holding their hands out to me. In the end (3 hrs later) i was able to get sleep, but what i listed isn’t all of it. Not even near.
Holy shit just found your channel again after doin a bid season six been smokin weed for half a decade now holy shit im 21 btw

watchim thiss offa 6 root beers hella faded.
yo im faded love the video man great story shrooms are my favorite
Had many awesome trips but after my one and only bad trip I can't get that feeling back from before so yeah I don't take the shroomies anymore lol
Im tripping balls rn n bro bringing me to his trip dunno how i feel now but damm
Sounds like you were dealing with feelings of conflict regarding what you wanted out of life and when you got high on shrooms, your brain made up all these characters and a scenario to play out. It's all you. It's stuff you may worry about or used to worry about at some point.
Bro that’s crazy I remember season 1
I would’ve done called on Jesus as soon as

Damn this fool just talked to Satan I cast that evil away from your life g amen
just had my first bad trip last night, SHIT WAS HORRIBLE, never in my life have i wanted to be sober so bad in my life
Mushrooms and faces… what is it with that??? Had the coner of my door trim and my wall turn into a half face couldn't look there long after that
This whole thing is relatable asf bartering to be sober then regretting not doing things while up
peaking trying to be chill then it just unloads stg I could go trip analyst mode