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Marilyn Manson has been ordered to pay Evan Rachel Wood’s massive legal bill in the latest development in his legal saga. Marilyn Manson and Evan Rachel Wood’s trial is set for May 1st, but a lot can happen before then.

Thanks to Mandy McKellar, Esq. for appearing:


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0:00 The Marilyn Manson lawsuit
1:24 The Judge orders Manson to pay
3:15 What does this mean?
4:00 He has to cover the costs (for now)
5:00 The trial is coming up very soon
6:50 There will likely be more delays
9:30 This is far from over


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34 thoughts on “Marilyn Manson Ordered to Pay Evan Rachel Wood’s Legal Bills

  1. And this isn't even a joke? 😮It was her who has been putting false statements out, even the other woman in the case said it was Evan Rachel wood and ILMA GORE that had enrolled them into this false story

  2. It's seeming like it is tough for him to get a fair trial. That sucks if it's the case but no one knows but those involved. I also would think he lost the case if being forced to pay her fees. Hopefully if he is not guilty he can recoup it on appeal.

  3. I don't like how things are going. Marilyn was never a mean person around me. What sucks here is maybe being the reincarnation of Heydrich? He was the Nazi that owned Salon Kitty?? I don't think Marilyn should have lost his contract either. It sounded like Lisa at NASA mad at Shipman? Don't chase the dead? I also do not like Roger Waters losing his contract?! That was ridiculous. I am not anti semitic.

  4. America, a place where the scales of justice are balanced with money. In my opinion it seems absurd that the ordinary man isn’t rich enough to get justice. If Marilyn Manson hadn’t been wealthy enough he wouldn’t get any justice whatsoever, which is wrong on so many levels.
    Hope it all works out for him though, I’ve been swatted myself for expressing my opinion about the Russian war criminal Putin and it’s not a very pleasant experience.
    Keep rocking in the free world 🤘🏻🇸🇪

  5. Wait a minute did that lady forge an FBI letter???? Isn’t that like beyond illegal? She should definitely get punished to the fullest extent for that! Nobody should be allowed to take advantage of another person, and if they lie about it, it should be a serious punishment. It’s so unfortunate people have to experience this, both the victim or victims of someone lying . What sucks is the media only gets a small snippet and we can only base our understanding off of that bias.

  6. I am hopeful that his own counselor will appeal as he has time2 do so. After already having 60k dismissed before the ruling, coupled w the fact that most of her case was dismissed and therefore so whwre most of the reasons he choose to sue for the defamation of character her and the witch hunt she recruited. It would be icing on a long overdue cake, for both the artist and his loyal fans, if the absurdly over priced judgement was dropped to zero charges as both parties are already out time and attorney fees plus any wages lost from having to sit in court . Sadly several could actually now be victims of sa due to a case that couldn't stand based on little but lies and hearsay. If she isn't charged for falsifying a police report she should at least be the last actress anyone is looking to date. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Oh probably those who make false reports have also made victims, normally the ones actually treated as if they're on trial but necessary since crap like this actually happens. So long as it doesn't lead to him being imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. I have a friend in this same position. Hes a little further into his ordeal but down to mere months to go as his 8yr stint ends late july which should have him home by my birthday. Would be awesome to celebrate it seeing manson live. Good kuck @marilyn Manson ❤
    so sorry that they are coming at you simply because u or ur character somehow offended them. Suck it up people that's exactly why we are slowly losing them. Best wishes for a speedy successful trial and for some mercury all parties involved.

  7. wtf the trial hasnt even started yet, that's usually on the loser. Its very clearly theyre pretty sure theyre going to lose bu still want to hurt Manson. Im not a big fan of him but seeing any man railroaded by a woman like this using the state and the state completely backs her on an obvious lie. There should be corruption and jail time after but there wont be.

  8. Brian did nothing wrong. If he did they would have charged him with criminal charges. Every time I hear about a low tier celebrity sucking the blood of a bigger celebrity, it’s going to leave a bad taste because of all these stories we hear like Johnny Depp and Marilyn Manson, Kevin Spacey, etc… these leeches surf off of public goodwill and it’s sickening that it so often turns out to just be a money grab.

  9. Y'all understand that you've never met Brian Warner, so all your comments are extremely ignorant. WE DON'T KNOW THEM 😂😂😂 like stop deifying Hollyweird. I was a HUGE manson fan. Autographs from concerts and his music saved my life. But I DO NOT KNOW HIM. Only as an a artist. It isn't far fetched what her and many other allegations are saying. He is on record saying some awful toxic things. Love his music. Love her movies. And let them settle their relationship without opinions from us…PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER MET EITHER OF THEM LIKE GOD DAMN 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤯🤣

  10. I’ve been a Marilyn Manson super fan since I was NINE YEARS OLD— all merchandise, know everything there is to know, been obsessed for years— and even I KNOW HE IS GUILTY. If you know ANYTHING ABOUT MANSON, then this makes A LOT OF SENSE. You can love Marilyn Manson the artist and know that he is NOT A GOOD PERSON IN REAL LIFE.

  11. What about the girl who said she was coax to say what she said about him from Woods Camp and that other girl? Also didn’t one of them impersonate an FBI agent?

  12. What!! You make a false case against someone and that someone has to pay ur legal bills. What kind of ridiculous judgement is that, a complete mockery of justice system. I hope MM's lawyers find a way to make things right.

  13. The "criminal investigation" is a result of Illma and Evan SWATTING Manson.
    She's such a horrific liar, she was trying to pull Amber Heard BS. Especially aligning herself with Heard before she lost her trial. Ironic as Depp and Manson were pretty much besties, they were trying to mirror one another when Amber's trial was in its earlier phases (BEFORE SHE LOST, COZ SHE TOO IS A LIAR, if you recall, during the trial Heard kept bringing Manson up randomly in attempts to try and make Depp look bad because all these liars she recruited to tarnish Manson's reputation. )
    Part of the way Illma (a known and self professed "hacker" was trying to blackmail Manson by getting access to some of his accounts from one of the women they recruited in their LYING SCAM, a woman whom has since come out and TURNED AGAIST EVAN AND ILLMA'S DIABOLIKAL PLOT to ruin Manson's character based on their plotted & planned lies about him!)
    Manson deserves justice and EVAN should be responsible for ALL the court costs as this whole thing is HER FAULT.
    She's evil and the way she was MANIPULATING her OWN SON to be part of this BULL cost her custody of her child.
    The agent who's name they put in the forged FBI letter even came out and said she didn't write that letter, that there is NO CASE against Manson, though Evan has been claiming this as fact and attempting to use this forgery to try and remain custodian of her child. Though making him live in FAKE FEAR of "Brian" was absolutely cruel and disgusting.

    Evan was never S.A.'d and she seriously needs to pay for saying so. Especially when she's lying about the music video this apparently happened during, and witnesses on set have come forward and stated Evan's BS about how this occurred on set for the video.
    A video that MANSON INSISTED upon Evan being the highest paid actress for a music video because they were in love at the time and he INSTISTED she be in it and paid handsomely. The entire thing she was treated like a goddess.
    She also use to constantly try and prove she wasn't so "vanilla" back when they were dating and there's even quotes from her talking about how everyone thinks HE would be the edgy one, but she claimed it was HER who was and that he was the vanilla one back then.
    Also she was trying to escape the tight grasp her mother had on her career as she started as a child acteess (um Practical Magic anyone?) And she was trying to rebel against her mother's judaism and would take Manson's use of Nazi party fashion and took it TOO FAR, and TOO LITERAL. As Manson HAS NEVER BEEN A NAZI, nor has he been anti Jew, she was in her rebellious stage of young adult hood and misunderstanding what he was using any of the symbolism for. SHE TOOK IT LITERALLY Then, now she tries to act like it was HIS IDEA, when she was the one Nazi saluting during his shows and stuff and she's trying to now be a apologist Jewish girl now and ashamed of HER CHOICES and BEHAVIOR when she was IN LOVE WITH HIM.
    Oh she pisses me off and she needs to GO DOWN!

  14. Gascon needs to just sign this damn case off! And retire…. Three years and we get no justice. Evan and her narcissistic tendencies are getting real old… Manson made a new album during this time.. 😂😂 Evan has nothing to show besides some small roles in small town playwrite shows 🤣

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