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Justice Unveiled: “Lying Cop Gets CAUGHT On Camera CASE DISMISSED” from Audit the Audit

In today’s world, transparency and accountability are more crucial than ever, especially when it comes to those who are sworn to uphold the law. The latest post on shines a light on an incident that underscores the importance of these values. We’re excited to share “Lying Cop Gets CAUGHT On Camera CASE DISMISSED” from the YouTube channel Audit the Audit, a gripping account of justice served.

Audit the Audit: The Watchdog of Justice

Audit the Audit is renowned for its in-depth analysis and scrutiny of law enforcement encounters, providing a critical eye on the actions of police officers and the rights of citizens. This YouTube channel has garnered a dedicated following for its commitment to holding authority accountable, educating the public on their rights, and ensuring that justice is served.

The Story Behind the Case

In “Lying Cop Gets CAUGHT On Camera CASE DISMISSED,” we delve into a jaw-dropping scenario where a police officer’s deceit is exposed, leading to the dismissal of a case. The footage captures the officer in the act, presenting undeniable evidence of misconduct. The video meticulously breaks down the incident, highlighting every misstep and falsehood told by the officer.

Key Takeaways from the Video

  1. The Power of Evidence: The video showcases how crucial video evidence can be in revealing the truth and ensuring justice. The camera doesn’t lie, and in this case, it was instrumental in uncovering the officer’s deceit.
  2. Importance of Accountability: This incident serves as a stark reminder that those in positions of power must be held to the highest standards of accountability. The officer’s actions not only tarnish the reputation of law enforcement but also undermine public trust.
  3. Legal Insights: Audit the Audit provides a thorough analysis of the legal ramifications of the officer’s actions, offering viewers a deeper understanding of the law and their rights in such encounters.

Why This Matters

Cases like these highlight the critical role that transparency plays in maintaining a just society. When law enforcement officers engage in dishonest practices, it erodes public trust and jeopardizes the integrity of the legal system. By exposing such behavior, channels like Audit the Audit ensure that justice prevails and that those who break the law are held accountable, regardless of their position.

Engage with the Community

At, we believe in fostering a community that values justice, transparency, and accountability. We invite you to watch “Lying Cop Gets CAUGHT On Camera CASE DISMISSED” and join the conversation. Share your thoughts and insights on social media using #IsmokeitJustice and tag us @ismokeit. Let’s discuss the importance of holding law enforcement accountable and ensuring that justice is served for all.

Stay Informed and Empowered

As you explore this riveting case, remember that knowledge is power. Equip yourself with the understanding of your rights and stay informed about the actions of those sworn to protect and serve. Audit the Audit is an invaluable resource in this pursuit, offering critical insights and analysis that empower citizens to stand up for justice.


“Lying Cop Gets CAUGHT On Camera CASE DISMISSED” is more than just a video; it’s a testament to the power of truth and the importance of accountability. At, we are committed to bringing you content that not only entertains but also enlightens and empowers. Dive into this compelling case and join us in advocating for a just and transparent society.

Stay tuned for more insightful content, and remember—justice is a community effort. Together, we can make a difference.

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

LackLuster’s Channel:



Wyo. Stat. § 31-7-116 –

Wyo. Stat. § 31-2-204 –

Wyo. Stat. § 31-4-103 –

Brewer v. Williams-

J.D.B v. North Carolina-

Wyo. Stat. § 6-5-204-

Garza v. State-

In re CG-
Wyo. Stat. § 14-6-203-

Wyo. Stat. § 31-5-602-

Heien v. North Carolina-

Flex Your Rights-


Audit the Audit

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Audit the Audit

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41 thoughts on “Lying Cop Gets CAUGHT On Camera CASE DISMISSED

  1. What is terrorism?

    ChatGPT: Terrorism is generally defined as the use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. It involves acts intended to create fear and achieve specific goals through coercion.

  2. That Dash cam looked way fucking closer to the officers story than ATA seems to weigh it. If it is also true that the pedestrian corroborated the story then i feel like the F rating was much too low. maybe like a C for the harsh style communication, but I don't think I agree with the factual details of the traffic incident

  3. 😮😢kcops have 0 NOOO businessness dragging oeople out of car, esp minors😮👎you arrest, bit not harass nor assault which is what your hyped up to do,. I can sence it by how you yell at the poor minor1👆👎👎😮

  4. I’m just 3 minutes in, but why would this cop escalate like this? Maybe he’s technically right, but with just a little finesse he could have given this minor a really good experience. Note the kid will likely hate cops forever. Good job officer douche bag!!

  5. I helped many people become police,and i always ask if "when they put the badge on will their brain shut down and become morons" and they all said i will do my job . Biggest mistake i ever made . Wont do that again

  6. This is exactly why i say big words to mask the lack of commonsense is really common in official code of law. Yes the kid did refused to heed to police officer initial request to bail out of the car..but his subsequent order of the same was given while physically preventing him from executing the same order. Not considering these factors is willful negligent of reality of the situation and an auditor not addressing these facts are more worried about code of law and by strictly adhering to it he is failing at his job. As the reason to audit these incidents is not just to find the na's and yes's of said incident but also the flaws in the laws that addresses said incident.

    In short: sometimes common sense should supersede what you think is right.

    Also this is a traffic violation, why do we need to get physical in first place?. Where is the measured response or is there no such commonsense law in US?. Considering what your police do on camera and how this is never the first and foremost concerns in these kind of auditing videos, i'm forced to think the same.

  7. My first police encounter was crazy violent and I’m the one who called them because my mom was getting beat to death by her boyfriend I was 15 years old

  8. These lying cops must have not seen or understood or have completely ignored that the Bible clearly states that ALL Liars shall have their part in the Lake of Fire… God doesn't care about that uniform he's looking at the heart of men…

  9. nah the kid shouldve gave him his id 😂.the cop lied but probably cause he knew the kid was a druggy. theyre both in the wrong. if you can drive youre old enough to know from right and wrong.

  10. Bad grade on the cop. The kid committed an infraction and was trying to hide weed. Could the cop done things better? Sure. But an F isn’t the right grade. That kid is old enough to get a grade. His age is a BS reason for not holding him accountable.

  11. I agree this cop was way too aggressive in his approach but that doesn't excuse this brat's ignorance. When I got my driver's license(generation X,we didn't have to call Mommy to save us)Dad explained to me what paperwork I would need to show the cop and where it should be in the car readily available at all times! His Mother obviously failed to do so. And he also had Marijuana in the car which is STILL ILLEGAL in Wyoming! I'm not a huge fan of most police but if this kid wasn't so helpless like most of his generation he could've given this cop what he needed and got this over with quickly,told this cop to poud sand,then file a harassment complaint(or have Mommy do it)if he truly is being harassed by this cop. Judging by this video though i wonder if he earns that extra attention.

  12. How does that kid not know he is going to have to show those things when he is pulled over? How does he not know to listen to the cop?

    At the same time, that cop escalated that situation over nothing. He could have had a basic conversation where the cop helped the kid figure out where things are.

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