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That company are lucky this is such a nice guy well done mat
Watched the build over the months and didn't fully know the story. Paying 100k with no contract in place seems a little foolish. I enjoyed the build and hopefully next time have provisions in place
Me looking at the intro picture: uhh you know the engin is in the back right?
The amount of times I've found cables direct mounted to the battery without fuse or the fuse at the wrong place is incredible, and makes you wonder why there are no more car fires.
Secondhand car dealers are 50/50 in my experience. Some are gems and some are knobs. I knew that "armed robbery" line was a red herring. That was to keep you afraid.
Incredible story. Glad you managed to get it running and drive it the Gumball Ralley
This is what happens when you know nothing about cars.
If a guy with as much experience as you have gets ripped off what chances do amateurs like me have
paid £100,000 too much
Great story of a man and his Dad and a car with character, love it
The scammer gets scammed
The high end car trade is awash with scumbags and gangsters
It's a pity
I love Matt always positive and laughing in very disappointing moments. Thanks so much for having me over!!.
I've done a track day with these clowns and you're absolute cattle to them, it's clear the only thing they care about is profit. Avoid
I’m so proud of Matt and his dad putting the engine and the car back together and running, What an achievement, they deserve all the luck and the car a second better life!
Excellent advertising for the track company

100Gs for a car that's a non runner? sure it's a lambo but you could end up running into issue after issue and it becoming just a money hole
I mean, if Mat has the agreement documented, there's not many places in the world he wouldn't have a case to go back on them. I'd personally look at suing, and send an official letter from an attorney to them, as they basically broke their agreement, and knowingly sold a car that was in far worse condition than they made it out to be. That is literally fraud.
Too good for you. You can't con an honest man.
Used car sales is very shady. Always get every agreement in writing and even then, it’s a gamble. Best of luck to you and great content!
I've been following Mat's series on the rebuild and I just have to say, he and his father have done an outstanding job! My hat is off to them.