Motley Crue is one of the most iconic hard rock bands of all time, and Mick Mars is one of the band’s most iconic members. But did you know that there was actually a lot of legal drama behind the scenes? In this video, we’re going to take a look at the Untold Truth of Motley Crue and Mick Mars Legal Drama and see what really happened. Plus, news on Foo Fighters, Creed making a comeback, MGK punches a fan, and Disturbed speaking about Roger Waters.
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0:00 Introduction
1:07 Mars V. Motley
3:56 Everlong Drama
7:18 Creed Comeback
9:21 MGK Punches Fan
11:34 Disturbed on Roger Waters
14:37 New Music
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This is a different video than we have ever done on the channel before. I hope you enjoy it.
I wonder if Tommy lost his stake in the brand/band when he quit the band.?.?. Did Vince lose his stake when he was fired/quit the band.?.?.
Mick only normal guy wasn't in news for being a low life
Who are we kidding? Even if MGK had put all 102lbs of force behind his punch, even with his poser rings, dude would've been fine. My 12 & 15 yr olds can hit harder than that chump
I'm a new subscriber but have watched your videos for awhile. Although I'm not a fan of all the bands you cover, I watch and subscribed because you are a great host. You seem very kind, genuine, fair and positive. I really appreciate your attitude and approach.
Love both formats! I can offer one suggestion, though. To change the title of the long-form news bulletin videos to indicate it's a multi-topic rundown. This one only has the Motley Crue title so it might have missed views from people that didn't know there other topics included. I hope that helps. Keep up the good work!
Dave Draiman is even dumber than the music he makes, and that's saying something.
Ugh, Creed is coming back… Reminds to revisit the Creed Shreds videos again.
15:01–"1988" called,-they want their gay ass look back,,,,
DUDE,-NO OFFENSE,-I Love Mick,but,he looks like he's about 95,no offense,-better ta burn out than fade away.
i hope machine DOUCHE kelly,-GETS PRISON.
Who in the hell would anybody go to see that garbage that you are giving away they are all loser bands period .
Found every topic interesting and on point. A rock news station so to speak that keeps you interested. Great concept keep it up
F. Mick the most boring of any guitar player
Mars will be missed crew will never be the same with out him whaling on guitar
This is your best video keep it up!
No disrespect at Jon 5 he's a good guitarist but Mick Mars was the only talented musician in the band Niki six couldn't play his bass how or why he stayed in motley Crue as long as he did or who was actually playing on the studio albums we're most likely never know Vince Neil lost his vocal abilities along time ago tommy lee can play but Mick Mars was a real guitaist wasn't fake actually played his own instrument in the studio live shows they play to backing tracks.
nikki Tommy vince always seemed to be shady doesn't surprise me they'd turn on mick no brotherhood sad shame..
Mick is y'all's logo come to life
Scott Stapp sang a song for the movie The Machine
so I don’t know 
I seen CREED back in 2001 front row at desert sky pavilion in PHX, AZ, it was awesome then and if they do a reunion tour its gna be just as awesome now!!!!
Waters isn't a fascist.Maybe an a- hole but that's not a crime.Just an opportunity for this dude to pontificate.
Mgk is a punk
I enjoyed this!!
Was that Eddie trunk that said you only played that song so many times
I gotta ask: Does Nikki Sixx think he's fooling anyone with that "thing" on his head? I haven't seen a wig that bad since Howard Stern.
Sir just to let u know that, no self respecting person gives a damn about that idiot machine kelly or whatever his name is
And for people who follow so blindly the so called "evidence" of them not playing live remember how easy it is to release fake videos these people have an agenda so just because some idiot post a snippet on their gay shit tok channel doesn’t make it true
Rick Allen didn't play drums on any tracks on the newest def Leppard album i seriously doubt he plays live either
I’m no fan of Roger Waters but this guy has no clue what he’s talking about and if you have seen the film the Wall you’d know that dumbass¥
I prefer this format vs the multipe short videos format.
I used to idolize nikki sixx but now I think he's a poser. I stand with mick mars and hope he gets what he worked hard for. Mick mars is the reason motley went somewhere in the first place
I remember the Rodger Waters show 20 years ago I remember the Pink Floyd show 25 years ago an airplane coming out of nowhere pigs flying fantasy fireworks in lights Rodger Waters capcenter PG County Maryland Pink Floyd in the old arena in Philly Rodger Waters mother was a holocaust Survivor both bands have done the same shows long time speak your peace but don't blame another who works alongside to help mankind Rodger Waters is a good man good good man can I say that man is Disturbed diluted thank you have a nice day
Mars Riffs made this band what it is. Very underrated guitarist.