Our $500 Civic handles like linguine, so we decided to give it a little love in the form of coilovers, strut tower bars, rear brace, and rear sway bar.
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you should make a low and high civic series, because I have seen every video about this civic like 3 times, so I think you would please a lot of people with a low and high civic series.
In the nicest way possible, you look like the type of guy i see getting out of an old beat up civic EG
$4000 for entry level coilovers is crazy bro
are megan racing Suspension parts sealed ?
You can't do all that and not put wheels and low profile tires. Not going to get anything out of that suspension with those old flabby tires
13:00 Jake from Linus Tech Tips brother
Sticking the pry bar in and around the spring reminded me of the dentist
dude perfected the bud driver shift and nobody noticed
damn this dude giving game away for free.. i'm bouta go test my suspension
Good Man
Did you do the alignment??
Is it stock alignments ??
Man I love these Civics! Not the fastest cars by a long shot but they handle phenomenally thanks to that all around fully independent suspension. I never had one of my own but man do I want to after watching these.
There no such thing as a $500 eg anymore.
Lighter and better handling all at once – deadly
chris bumstead MECANIC
Drive train awd
Spoon civics had to start somewhere
I had this same car when I was 17
man i love these series, havent watched any donut video in a minute but this ones are a must watch fs
Goddamn that shit looks good.
I have a Integra same color of the eg, would love to get it restore like this.
Driving slow cars fast is even better than driving fast cars fast
I want to know who chooses music for the videos. 90% of the time it’s banging so

I just want to know how much game stop will give them in store credit if they tried to return any of these parts or the car
Okay where did you buy a running civic for only $500 I’m not broke but that’s one heck of a deal
this is like building dream house on bad foundation.
you will spent bunch of money but put it in bad car.
those suspension will not help, for starters you have realy bad chasy, thin as paper it will twist like precel unless you will secure it with a cage. also weight distribution is horrible. rear end will be light as hell. also engine compartment accept horizontaly mounted engine and that is a no go for any sport car.
if you are smart buy cheap sports car like M3 and renew it
Get the b18
Amazing series
Idk if Megan improved their bushings but they were terrible when I had them on my civic.
Money pit is back!!! So happy, just need hi/lol, up2speed & b2b in rotation! Love the new content, but the main series & content got y'all here for a reason. Tool review was awesome too!
That’s a loaded suspension innit? Gotta block up that control arm
10:52 If I saw a shock falling from a car like that I would've dove away screaming GRENAAAAADDE
Moment of truth… it worked
I want to know at what point in these resto-mod series did you guys first say to yourselves "hey, we're getting pretty good at this'.?
Why can’t these things be rear wheel Drive?
I wish i could find a EG hatch for 500…. that has practically NO rust!!!
i just did some new suspension with my dad and grandpa where we replaced shocks,bushings,control arm etc etc but all in all it definitely was an upgrade
i love how whenever he checks his bearings, its always something else.
Hi car/lo car never dies.
Watching Nolan grow in car knowledge and skill is one of my favorite things about Donut.
What did the swaybar mount to on the other side if the car never came with one?
how are the spherical bearings on the street?
where's the parts list homies?
Have you guys ever upgraded the suspension on a Toyota Prius and if so what would you guys recommend I'm trying to upgrade my suspension for better handling and possibly to move a small canoe trailer
Y’all not gunna link what you’re buying ?
It's anti-sway bar