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Trap Lore Ross
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He where he need to Be .. HELL!!
This shit is heartbreaking! Too many young black men gone to senseless violence…
My guy do you really do your homework
most this sht cap as hell .. but hey let’s just put sht out for money and likes
You live by the sword, you die by the sword.
How the f### king von used to rap man based on what i saw he couldnt articulate a sentence plus the way he spoke and accent was uga buga shit….obviously didnt wright the lyrics on his songs that makes me also wonder was he even the same guy??! On his music video and on that interview after T's death??!! couldnt understand shit from what he said…
duck was smart mane
Do madmax nlmb next
i hope he found Jesus
When is the Diddy documentary dropping??
Can we be real Von and troy were together
What's weird is that the other guy had his back to t.roy. At first I thought they were talking to each other but when I watched it again I noticed how his feet are pointed. TB and CGR obviously weren't worried about that dude either which is interesting.
The amount of friends I've lost you'd think I grew up in Chicago
Except i lost all my friends to druggs
Dig bick daddy Trap Lore Rickity Ross dropping that supa hot heat again, fr fr no cap on ja ja jar jar binks
Yo TRAP LORE ROSS!!! Do a video on Faro from NLMB(Drenchgang) eastside WILDEST YOUNGIN’

you should do the many bodies of 051 Melly…dude may have up to 40
20:48 a/k/a the brother of lil durk
6:49 Butta snitchin on everyone….smh…thought he just snitched on KI..he snitching on dudes that are still alive (D-rose)
It’s hard to take seriously using Reddit as a source. I could go on there rn and make up shit without anyone being able to tell.
I’m a fan of the videos and watched the full 3 hour King Von vid
Dear TLR, i want you to know i care about you and love to see you flourish and grow since the days of doing your jay-z video. Keep doing your ting.
I was waiting for someone to cover this topic. Theirs so much you didn’t include that I wish you could have, police paper work, freedom of information act paper work, and anecdotes from family members and guys from o block. That stuff is all out there and could have added some real substance to this video.
If you’re ever looking for a great researcher who’s passionate about hip hop I don’t think you could find anyone better and would love to help.
You can tell it was Muwop Who was on CGR HIT .. MELLY DID NOT KILL CGR
Ross, you sound too somber. I understand you’re trying to be serious while reporting these sensitive topics, but all the charisma and energy is gone now. Your speech patterns are not as engaging.
It’s something I can just feel.
Troy and Vroy were da real scoom gang
That's a lot of killing, all for nothing, even after King Von made all the cash, bought his mom a home, he was so addicted to killing that's what turned him on, it's my belief that entire place is haunted and I can say this knowing it's the truth, to all the gangs all over the world, what life don't cure, death will ! May god have mercy on there souls, amen
This is truly sad… It's not worth it at all
Ian gone lie you’ve told this story 10 different times in 10 similar ways on my soul It’s getting hard to keep watching you
Ian gone lie you’ve told this story 10 different times in 10 similar ways on my soul It’s getting hard to keep watching you
“STOP TALKING BOUT TROY AND…… rest in peace”
“He made a diss now he a ghost, & it happened fast we need a toast” LLVROY
Most of these youths really have rap talent but so dumb ,in such a short time the rise to fame & fall to dust.killing their own black brother for dumb shit.
I'm from Chicago, born and raised.. I know the gang and street culture.. And this was an excellent video.. Good job..
Someone exposed this vid Sayin he didnt have l these
How did you forget to mention Jaro City/TW G-Fredeo who was kiIIed the day before TB by
(2 OblocKians who are still alive w/ one in jail and one free)