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These videos are meant to be educational and funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro – Click show more under the video to read more.
0:05 The customer installed spark plug was too long. “The customer really didn’t want to spend. I gave him the option to tear it down and he declined further work. I did pull it apart. spark plug hole stripped head cracked. piece of head stuck between the exhaust valve. not good so far.”
0:25 Not sure how the customer thought it was a good idea but here we are.
0:38 Also, I am not sure how somebody managed to put vegetable oil in the washer fluid reservoir as vegetable oil should be nowhere close to a vehicle’s engine bay.
0:49 The catalytic converters were replaced.
1:00 An important reason why you should always read the owner’s manual, especially if the vehicle is new to you with many new features.
1:13 These windshield wipers are fairly easy to install as well.
1:20 Maybe the customer thought it needed new rear shocks since the trailing arm was broken. Hopefully, the customer will get it replaced!
1:27 No extra info.
1:41 A good reason to keep your vehicles clean!
1:50 Looks like the customer had used this power cord for a while to keep the passenger rear door closed. The car needed a new door latch.
2:01 Probably the worst cabin air filter we have ever seen on the channel. The rats had also chewed a wiring harness that ended up getting replaced.
2:13 Failed inspection again.
2:28 Another important reason to read the owner’s manual or have the salesperson go over the vehicle’s features with you.
2:37 The two screws that hold the brake rotor in place are in the wrong spot so most likely whoever installed the brakes could not get the wheel on flush to the hub and broke the two-wheel studs.
2:55 No extra info.
3:03 No extra info.
3:10 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Vehicle states that its owner is a complete moron.
1:15…Auto Zone,Advanced Auto and a great local Auto Supply will install wiper blades free.Why even bother doing it yourself??
Customers being able to see their MPG was a mistake. Every single car I get into has the MPG screen up, like what is that info doing for you?
MPG is an estimate…
The snowblower guy = you cant fix stupid!
Moral of the story? Maybe don't be a lazy fuck and LOOK around your car before taking it to someone who will have no problems charging you for your stupidity, some people might let it slide but you certainly deserve to pay 100% if you've gone that far without detailing your fucking vehicles.
Whats with women and just sticking random junk up on/around critical controls in a car? My sisters got fucking scrunchies and hair ties around the shifter and a scarf on the wheel and bling hanging off the rear view mirror and lip balms in every nook and cranny. Like good god even if it doesnt jam the shifter its distracting AF.
Thinking back my Grandma was the same way. When I was a kid she made like a custom janky cup holder/art station shelf thing attached to the dashboard of her car. If we got in a wreck all these pens will turn into missiles through our brain pans Granny…
hmmm, no animal noises in this one.
"muh car need dang ol oil change? Nah I'll just do it my dang ol self!"

at least he used the exact right tool
I spotted the real problem! Dominos pizza boxes are for cabin air filters. You only use Pizza Hut boxes for engine air filters!
it is just so hard to believe these videos are real. People are so DUMB. DANGEROUS. IGNORANT
I can't believe the snow-blower guy went back to the same shop so they could see what a moron he is.
You gotta be one of the stupidest people alive to see that you trailing arm is broken, tell the mechanic "Nah, it's good" and then go driving around on it. That car and so many more shown on this channel should be sent straight to recycling.
That Rover SD1 at the end is beautiful
Ive never seen an air filter that horrible. If i wasnt told i wouldn't know what it was.
DRIVEAWAY?!The stupidity of people is amazing!
Snowblower guy reminds me of this old analogy i heard for stupid people:
Stupid people are like playing chess with a pigeon. Theyre going to knock over the pieces, shit on the table, and prance around like they won.
I commend the determination of the first guy
I absolutely adore this channel. I’m a motorcycle tech so it’s not all a direct translation but I get it. Please don’t ever change guys
I got a funney true story guy buys car from a dealership did not top off the oil came back two days later I could Moter way going clunk clunk macanic topped off oil sent him on his way
Who are these people? Why
Some of them are inexcusable, But I do admit that I did go to the mechanic once or twice for dumb reasons I could have figured out myself
Matey boi with the snow blower must not have had a dad

This was more painful than any other for some reason
Humanity is doomed…..
I love this channel, it reminds me of how Fu***in dumb people are.
Auto stop is the most worthless feature and in the middle of winter it's even worse. I can't blame that person for being concerned but it literally says it on your dash.
How did they even take the MPG guy in for a check and not straight up send him on his own way?
Of all the things going on in the world, NOTHING makes me more disappointed with the intelligence of the average person than this channel; thanks for nothing……….
Too many out there without common sence today
This one made my head hurt from frustration
i HATE those complaints the most. "my car use to get 40mph, now i only get 38mpg" and you try to explain to them why and they just dont believe you. especially with hybrid or full electric. those owners are so dense!
2:34 – the tachometer needle should point to AUTO STOP, and not OFF when in that mode.
Look I'm no mechanical genius but …..DAMN!
Some jobs are better left to the professionals. Thanks for the video.
You know watching your videos give me faith in humanity as a species
Sweet Jesus…

1:05 okay but to be fair to the customer, that is an incredibly stupid thing to have in a car
Dang i need to open a snowblower business where that dude lives, just gotta remember to only sell him them and not to work on them for him lol.
The more of these videos I watch the more I realize how f*** we are as a society
Hey, I can’t blame the guy with the 1mpg difference these days…

Snowblower guy must be snorting snow himself!
And my Tahoe gets 18 mpg. on the highway when my original window sticker said 16. I'm going to need to file a complaint with my dealer. Lol
Being Judged by a "Jury of your peers" has never been more terrifying to contemplate. People have no excuses nowadays, with all the wisdom and knowledge literally at their finger tips, 24/7 available in mere seconds! At least back in the day when people were dumb, they had a few excuses, but now?
I am usually at least mildly entertained by your videos. This is the first one I watched where my jaw hit the floor and stayed there