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Travis found the ORIGINAL General Lee!
He re-created the jump:
He reveals the paint color:
Today Travis Bell shares the never-before-told story of the infamous Wheelstand General Lee.
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Very nice video thanks for your time

Note to self……never get married
I’ve always said the General needed bigger back tires, but that’s a bit much
You know the other side part about this whole thing with the wife being such a jerk she just didn't hurt her ex she also hurt her daughter I hope this scumbag is proud of herself
I wonder if this stand up general. Was the one they used as Doms charger in the first fast and furious
14:11 Yeah, that place is awesome check them out if you EVER get a ticket.
10:16 It's mine, if somebody has a problem with it, they can … not do anything cus its mine
5:52 Nah, if I had won that case and the car had been sold. The person who sold it would have 2 options get it back by ANY means necessary or give me everything you have
If i had my car stolen for a second time id genuinely be going killdozen
The washington judge shouldnt have ever got office, thats fucked up, stealing a mans car for a second time
Fantastic story, thanks for sharing it.
Disgusting to watch these chargers destroyed
I’ve always wanted to see this bad ass General Lee!! I have the magazine articles and wondered what happened to it.
Crazy story
Great story.
The builder should have been arrested for grand theft auto. As soon as the divorce judge awarded the car to wife he no longer had any claim to it.
Reason # 6,840 NOT to get married !
Cool story but unfortunately it's pretty irrelevant! Means nothing to movie watchers, but to you guys i can understand. But, cool story.
I , my best friend and our sons were there at Dukesfest 2006 , I remember seeing this car
Reminds me of the "Hemi Under Glass" car's.
man you hear stories like thisand you gotta wonder why there arnt more unscoupulus graves in the middle of the desert, only marked with the word "cunt" on an old fence post.
This sounds so much like when the Peterson's museum is the curator of AJ's KITT
Thank you for sharing this story Travis, very interesting…
Ed when are you gonna have Scott Velvet on ?
Wow that is cool
Lesson for all the young dudes. STOP marrying bitches!!!!!! Don't turn gay either!!!!! Forget about stupid relationships except hanging out at a public place! Become a priest if you must! All bitches are succubus'. They take everything you work for and curse your life! Been there, done that, bought the shirt. At least the man got the car back to enjoy with his offspring for a little while. That's a Blessing.
so he got cash for it then stole it back ..
What an interesting story. Sad to hear so many people wasted so much time and hurt feelings over a vehicle. Glad it finally found a public home on display where everyone can enjoy it and reminisce over The Dukes of Hazzard.
That's amazing! I live 33min away from there, I was trying to justify going now I found my reason!!
Honestly it's sad the orginal owner lost his car to his ex and she sold it and the new owners had it taken right out from under them, I feel like the orginal owner should've talked to them and tried to work something out so he could get his car back.
Repo's should be illegal,but only with a police officer present!! Jus like bounty hunting!!
That's sad. Law should jump in. And should not be sold. Its own to sell to museums (
Perfect example of why I'll never get married.
Moral of the story, if you have a nice car and you know a divorce is getting close sell(give) title to a friend while the paper work has to go through then you "buy" it back when this demon has been banish to the shadowrealm
Just like the show, with corrupt judges
He should’ve kept fighting Because it was legally his. because of the court sold illegally.
What a couple of garbage people the people in Washington they went through all the trouble to take that car back from the person that built it and actually cared about it just to sell it after he passed
Oh neat! I’ll have to swing by Volo again to check it out!
That never happens
The General has always been a standup car.
Lol, finally getting around to watching this. Lots of information left out, and even more mis-information! LMAO!
He may have had a title, but once there's a new title, any older one becomes worthless.
I'm a NC homeowner and I believe there was a form stating that there is no HOA involved. I wouldn't have bought if there was.
YES, ANOTHER GREAT CAR GOES TO VOLO!!!! It was b.s. what transpired but, dam. Atleast it's in good hands. Hopefully in never sells. If it does, Hopefully it stays in tact. That man should have never lost his car. That our crappy judicial system at work. Guilty until proven innocent, oops bad now it's too late!!!
That got guy F*** hard by the system!
Travis bell is a thief and liar, it’s best not to trust him word for word, mixes lies with truth