Everybody wants to get that super strong herb, but how do we really know how much THC is in each strain??? I used to trust this …
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Hemp products usually have more thc than stated because of the legality of it.
By product degradation, they mean in the time from when it was harvested and packaged to when they purchased and tested it
Is this the THC% that is claimed as a potential for seeds? I love what you do.
He didn’t tell us about the part where they roll it in keif before testing
If a single trichome cannot be above 1% THC by weight, how can a whole flower sample, which contains much more non-THC material, be above 1%? Let alone test at 20 or 30%?
Coffee is not measured by caffeine potency (only substances that use caffiene as an additive are regulated for potency). Cannabis should be regulated like coffee. It's a soft drug.
Free the weed. Free the people.
I'm new to your channel but not to the weed business .But just curious if any listening who have ever worked at a large weed farm ever have a bad asthma reaction to the plant. I never had breathing issues till I started growing and being exposed to large amounts of kief. I always wore a respirator but after a year had to quit becuase of asthma. Went on some meds from dr and they helped right away. Alot of my growers experience bad allergies as well..Oregon doesn't seem to have help for farm workers experiencing similar things.
So they are testing the colas ,which everyone knows is the best bud onthe plant

I have never had my weed tested , I go by how high I get .
Call me old school
the new laws will just do the same shit in revers, select the lowest thc buds, maybe expose them to light and heat for degrade thc, and send to the lab
the package will say 15% thc but it would be 20% in reality
Growing weed shouldn't be about getting the highest number, it should be about getting the highest!
It sucks in canada thats forsure . Iv paid for 45$ 3.5's and have been heartbroken lol
in oregon it’s a huge problem almost every indica that sells for above 8 a gram will advertise nearly 30%, no way am i smoking bud that isn’t CAKED in trichomes 30% thc that’s just not possible, stopped looking at the test data years ago and just go by nose and look and if it’s black market than the feel and cure will tell you all you need to know
Just subscribed… GREAT info.. Thank you!
30% lower? Were they saying it was 40% thc or something like no shit its inflated. I think the highest thc comes in around 22%
So many of my friends really believe they have bud thats in the 30% lol
Exposing what everyone with a brain already understood as fact for several years because I am running out of things to talk about as a stoner. What will our next realization be? That cookies is all marketing? Maybe that blue dream is very common? Oh yeah we already had those first year Cannabis thoughts. I’m just trolling Jajaja, get that funky paper wookboy
WHAT!!! Companies lie to make more money…….. Shit i would never have guessed MF's
There is only one true test. Because everyone reacts differently to a cannabis high, rolling it up and smoking it is the best test. Also, I have gotten high off a 28% rated smoke and then smoked 21% rated Colombian and got higher off the Colombian than I did the Girl Scout Cookies of a higher percentage THC.
Fr can’t trust anything they be putting whole different strains labels on just smaking labels on stuff
the cultivation my brother works for in Vegas the master grower smacked gmo on a strain that was octane mint sorbet 2 completely different looking strains and tasting and linage 
it’s crazy !! Thanks for posting this fr 

I smoked the vank orange kush here in pa
very interesting topic 

An inability to see is no excuse to proceed. It is like a shooting range, guys down range checking spreads get shot because someone didn't take the minimum precautions before proceeding. Everyone falted, but she didn't have the right of way and is therefore at fault.
Dude, i just have to say you really make awsome videos. They are filled with Great information and you present it very well. You speak very professionally and clearly and seem very genuine. Great job!!
This is fuckin crime
Hello in my first grow.
Growing a Moroccan Peaches from clone.
7 Gallon Pot
2000 watt Vander light 14-15 inches away from foliage
Nutes : Top dress- 1 cup Natures Pride Veg and now switched to Natures Pride Bloom,
Watered in with Recharge 1/2 teaspoon , 1/2 Teaspoon Cal mag, 1/2 Silica
Monday Once a week
Next water Friday is usually 1 teaspoon per gallon of Natures pride Flower finisher
I dont PH or Check PPM much
TEMP 75-78
RH 55-60
Question is : The Pistils are turning red already and its only week 4 of flower.
Should i have counted the 2 weeks of transition as flower as well? Maybe i miscalculated by not counting that time as flower. Also the buds are very very small.
What else could can be the problem?
I need to check the Trichomes. so I'll be ordering or picking up a microscope soon.
What else could can be the problem. Please point me in the right direction.
Thanks for all you do for the community!!!!!
Before i understood this, i bought this zip seeing a 31% thc, but i crap u not, no matter how much you smoked, there was nothing. It must've been 1-2% at best. Strangely dry and fluffy.
I was wondering if you could help me out my question is I been trying to get into the cannabis industry but don't no where to start is there any thing I need to do before I just go start filling application out I live in Illinois I'm not to good with computer thank you for all your hard work it is really appreciated hopefully you can help me out and have a blessed day
been growing outdoors for decades. one thing took me a while to realize that top buds are not necessarily the best / strongest smoke. i found the best smoke came just below the leading heads and fluctuated between full and shaded sun, they also look the most hydrated. the resin appears more thicker, longer and denser.
In Oregon the labs are allowed a 3 percent buffer for error on the THC number. And obviously when you use a particular lab consistently they will have the buffer zone fall in the growers favor. So 27% ends up being 30%.
Great info!
i generally go by its stickiness…as long as it has some sticky it will be good <3 thx its called bunk if it doesnt get you high……
You are such a weed nerd and I love it!!!! Please keep reaching out and sharing this info and enthusiasm with the world! Big cheerz from ya boi in Wisconsin.
Very true unfortunately.
Grow your own so you know what you are getting.
thank you for your enlightenment about my/our favorite plant.
thought this was common knowledge lol hardly an expose
Best weed i ever smoked said it had %13 on it
So the exact same companies send their samples to be tested…pfff…what a joke…
Its a bunch of fucking lies. NO WEED IS OVER 35% PERIOD. ITS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. These people are scam artists nothing more.
Bro that volcano hybrid vape is 700$ !! Wtf kinda shii is that?! Nobody in their right mind would buy that…was gonna get one for my brother 4 Christmas but i'm not getting robbed for the holidays
Great content as usual, keep rockin
When the label says 25% THC I just laugh. With all the plant matter, there's no way 1/4th of that nug is pure THC. There are 3 main ways to currently test cannabis THC levels. Analytical Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
"Non-gas chromatography methods like HPLC are generally preferred because Gas Chromatography adds high amounts of heat to samples, decarboxylating cannabinoids in the process." – Leafly
"Mass Spectrometry is completely different than GC or HPLC. Essentially, it measures the masses of molecules and chemical compounds within a sample. By ionizing compounds and subjecting them to an electric or magnetic field, their deflection rate can be displayed in a spectrum that can be analyzed. They are sorted by their mass-to-charge ratio." – Leafly
"More labs are looking into Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, which doesn’t destroy samples or use solvents and has a much shorter turnaround time. NMR measures the magnetic fields around atomic nuclei. A sample is placed in a magnetic field and bombarded with radio waves, exciting the nuclei, which can then be detected by radio receivers. This process measures the changes in frequency of the magnetic fields, detailing the structure of molecules and chemical compounds." – Leafly
My New Best Channel
Been smoking since that Kiss concert in late ‘77 at the old McNichols, Sports Arena – home of the Colorado Rockies hockey team, and the Denver Nuggets with star, David Thompson, but I digress, because I’m a little high( now a parking lot ) Denver, Colorado
And I’m learning all kinds of things now !!
This Buds for You Bruh
I just felt like they can't do that with marijuana it's not going to work and even if it does quote on quote work an put on schedule lll the black market will still thrive
If the testing shows how really low the numbers are, then why all this push to regulate THC levels?
What is happening that is linked to high THC levels that there needs to be a cap?
This is an impossible endeavor, what of all the billions of seeds out there in the US alone that would produce plants above the threshold?
It’s all so stupid but definitely something the government would have no problem bureaucratizing regardless.
When I get an eighth from the dispensary ill just flip the jar and go by looks
I saw a bag of shatter once in a dispo in denver that said it was 95% thc. If that is not b.s. that the company who made it paid extra money to have those results say that.
Great video matey , only subscribed a couple of weeks ago and I’m loving the content, great channel
big companies will always find a way to cut you short low morals
It´s always the same, if you wanna know where the stank of bs is coming from? Just follow the money. In the end just trust your nose, always worked for me buying moroccan hash as well as for if the weed is any good. If you have some experience you can just smell if it´s good (hash) or treated properly the whole way (weed), you smell if the drying was shit or something else fishy when you know how properly grown and dried buds smell. Or be weird like me and carry a pocket microskop (jewler lens) to check the trichomes, I never buy weed without checking the trichomes, wanna know if it was sprayed or so, also they tell you something about the quality.