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Before the internet came along, life was very different from what we know today. Some people may think it was better while others do not. In this video we will take a look back at some of the changes and let you weigh in on your opinion.

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Rhetty for History

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Rhetty for History

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40 thoughts on “Life Before The Internet Changed Us!

  1. Let's stop acting like everything was without stress before social media. Not that it took away all of the problems, but everything had to be done through the traditional system and we could hardly do crap without parents control over it.

  2. I think having to do things face to face made us stronger for it. Now we're seemingly a weaker culture. Anonymous internet threats easily hurled at another without repercussions from the safety of your home… Gives folks a false sense of superiority and strength.

  3. On one hand life was better, on the other the population was so ignorant. So I really can't judge either way. Back then people were mainly Republican / Democrat. At least now people are waking up to the reality of our situation.

  4. Loving your content and a new subscriber. The only gripe I have is the mic. It just sounds like your voice has no bass to it. Like an old radio. Is it just me? Can't really tell unless you have good headphones on. Please don't take it the wrong way. Your content is awesome!

  5. It was good in the 70s. Even better in the 60s. Ignorance was bliss. But it's too late now. The cat's out of the bag, the genie's out of the bottle and Pandora's Box has been opened. You can never go back. Are things better now? Yes, of course. But it's all much too complicated now. It's like you can never catch up, coast for a while and enjoy it. We're brow-beaten and brain-washed into compliance. And the effort it takes to break away and be perhaps uniquely you has been purposely rendered hardly worth the effort.

  6. Ah! Old School those were the days. I still believe in that I suppose that makes me a Stone Aged Luddite a relic of the past age. But I don't mind we all did things differently. And Old School has it's appeal may it always have relevance.

  7. I can tell you what technology has definitely done, increased my work hours. Before emails, the internet and cell phones, when I left work I was DONE for the day.

  8. I didn’t get home internet until the year 2000 when I was 14. I think at first when the internet wasn’t that special if helped me keep in touch with people and it helped me as an introvert to find my life partner. But most things were better without people being glued to screens. Even with the early smartphones (like sidekick) before iPhone it better, because internet was expensive on them and we used them to just look up things we needed. There wasn’t really any good entertainment for a small phone screen with slow connection so we still socialized more in real life. After maybe 2013 or so I think it got worse and worse. Instead of just looking up directions or chatting with a friend to meet up we use the phone for entertainment and maybe make a video call instead 😢 at home I’m glued in front of my smart tv that auto plays tv shows 😢 so at first internet helped me to meet people but now it really doesn’t, I’m not sure why. In Europe malls are still a very popular thing! They are renovating shopping centers and building fancy new ones! Strange.. we are so slow here ! Even my closest mall in Utah were slowly dying 10 years ago but not here in Sweden

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