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28 thoughts on “What’s Inside The Xmax Starry V4 Blind Box?

  1. I got a vaporizer from Xvape and it only works 1 to 1 & 1/2 times per charge. I contacted right away and NOTHING! I will never trust or buy from Xvape again!

  2. I am a vape stoner, I just dry herb vape and I own ceveral dry herb vapes the Mighty and the Crafty are the most used out of my small collection. How does the xmas vape compare to a Mighty or a Crafty? For me those two vapes are compleet game changers.

  3. That silicone band may be a bong bottom. Stretch it around the base of a bong etc so it cushions it when putting the bong on a table.
    I love the Starry 4, it hits very nicely. Those new designs are sick!
    Nice, quick video Mat

  4. Did you try it with concentrate? I use concentrate in my Legacy Pro and Crafty+ pretty regularly, but my experience with concentrate in the X using the concentrate pad was not so great.

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