Metal legend Ozzy Osbourne shares his thoughts on modern heavy metal in a new conversation with Metal Hammer. Ozzy Osbourne says that he feels that modern heavy metal is rehashed.
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What do you think? Do you agree with the Ozz man?!
I agree with Ozzy. You can't have PANTERA without Dime, or STATIC-X without Wayne. Same for any other band missing core members. Thankfuly, music has endless posibilities and things will change.
Really, cause I wrote a few that Ozzy uses and wrote a lot for the others which he obviously likes.
Ozzy is clueless. He needs to retire for good before Sharon rolls him out on stage in a wheelchair.
I agree with Ozzy
Sleep token music, the music is good but the singing voice part its super boring. Is like the tone never changes
Unfortunately I tend to feel the same. For me too man bands either go the death, black, metalcore, melodeath growling vocals route, which obviously has its audience and that's cool, but I'm tired of everything under the metal banner being that, or you got silly power metal, love some of it but some of it is goofy and a lot sounds the same, or you got 80s throwback style bands. I'ms ure there's something else out there, but it's tough to find.
all your examples of good music now are bands that are killing metal
You should check out Crown The Beast! A danish groovy deathmetal band
I have to agree with Ozzy on this one, when was the last time we heard a new Hard Rock/Post Grunge band on the radio or at least a new heavy metal band…
I find stoner metal to be much harder than any heavy metal. Fu Manchu or QOTSA
i have no more interests in new bands and music too, I'm stuck with old songs. anything 2009 downwards.
I think we are forgetting that two years ago rock / metal was in a bad place. This year newer bands are headlining the biggest festivals so a change is definitely occurring. Rock has been given life by sleeptoken, bmth, I prevail and similar bands. Pop punk has had a bit of a revival but I don't think it's a thing to last. But anyway this music genre has still a long way to come, but it's happening people!!!
It's prob a norm to see dad's stuff but dad doesn't make the new interpretations of rock / metal the evolution doesn't mix when your meat dries out …
It's prob a norm to see dad's stuff but dad doesn't make the new interpretations of rock / metal the evolution doesn't mix when your meat dries out …
There most certainly is a lot of great modern metal. So many subgenres to listen to. Not all of it's great, but not all metal from the 80's is great either
Mostly agree with Ozzy. I can spend the rest of my life listening to mostly older materials and be just fine with it. Still lots of stuff to find from the past that is excellent beyond words.
I agree with Ozzy about new bands coming out now adays .I haven't really heard anything original
A lot of bands do have excuses these days regarding entertainment distraction leading to the decline of modern metal. But it's just an excuse. When something is big, it's big. People stop what they are doing and notice. Even if it is in the distant background they try to remember what they are hearing. If not that way, it gets fire hosed into them by those in their orbit. Modern music is where it is deservedly. Pop, rap and even "country" acts don't seem to mind the times. Everyone is trying to "make it" by reading from a blueprint or using a template and it is not easy to hide. Structure, tenor, guitar layers. drums (a black hole all its own), mixing approach, etc. are all very apparent. We need to quit apologizing for the times and the circumstances. If anything it should be a breeding ground but it isn't. Unless genre blending is it and it can go with the dodo if that's the case. All the riffs have not been written and all the words been sung just the right way. Hell, a remarkable cover song would suffice. Someone just do something, anything. Actually, leave off the "anything" part. That is a contributor to the current situation.
Nah,Ozzy's wrong,Korn,Mudvayne,Primus,Faith no More + many others stand alone,all good though,he's entitled to his opinion,sabbath rock too!
Ozzy's right, all the new stuff is derivative, shallow, and cheap sounding.
Avenged Sevenfold's new album is the most interesting thing in metal I've heard lately, awesome album
i agree, a lot of re hashed bands just combining genres of music together but nothing new sounding like sabbath brought. But still lots of good music. And nothing will ever impact you the same as a record you listened to when you were a young kid…it will always be the best to you
He’s saying what we’re all thinking
Ozzy correct. What I'm hearing today in metal is just recycled metal. May not like hearing that but it's true. I've been into metal since 1974/75 right up today. And all I hear today is 70's, 80's n early 90's metal with newer bands.
Ozzy is just not seeing the bigger picture. There are some kickass metal bands out there right now but younger generations don't want to just hang out and listen to even a whole song anymore. Most listen to a 20 second version of their favorite songs on TikTok and then move on to something else. I think it's more of a society thing than a "there's no good modern metal" thing.
OZZY ain't wrong…. For the laat X Amount of years its all been COOKIE CUTTER ROCK/ METAL.
Seriously man, they all sound the same can't tell a Guitarist from other. All compressed productions and don't get me started on Cardboard drums sound.
Time to get back to basics a d Create memorable TUNES

Metal today has no soul old Metal still sounds fresh
I am 52 listened to metal in the eighties. Ozzy’s opinion is his, but I don’t hear what he hears we have different perspectives.
In his defense
Shit is mid at best lmao
Sleep Token and BMTH you utter clown?
The Beatles did not invent rock n roll
There are great albums/bands, but you have to go digging.
Keep in mind, Ozzy’s journey began in the 60s and 70s…you had bands like Sabbath, The Doors, Pink Floyd, ELO, Supertramp, Jethro Tull etc existing at the same time. Diverse af! 80s had Maiden, Motley Crue, Metallica, Sepultura, etc. 90s had industrial, alt metal, alternative, groove metal, nu metal… every genre of music in the 90s was a melting pot. And he was touring Ozzfest with those bands.
By comparison, hell yah…9/10 bands are cookie cutter cut out of former stuff because taking chances is so financially risky and discouraged nowadays (see music and movie industries lol). I love djent and alot of modern stuff, but again I see where hes coming from. It aint the same as say GWAR, Ministry, Pantera, Korn, White Zombie and Limp Bizkit all existing on tv, radio and tours at the same time. Its just not.
I agree that this new music is horrible.
Metal lost its soulful roots. That groove and inspiration feels dead.
Disagree I guarantee he couldn’t name a single modern metal band
I agree with your statement about the attention span these days and how that relates to fandom not just for music but all forms of entertainment. And how we receive or get our entertainment as well certainly has an affect on this too. Whether your binge watching something or cycling through Spotify, society is always looking for the next thing a new season or a new album or something and we won’t say oh ya that awesome until the shows done or the band retires unfortunately.