Sarah Tiana examines how her tolerance for everyday annoyances has changed as she’s gotten older and explains why house music’s name doesn’t make sense.
Original airdate: October 19, 2018
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Just bad… really bad…
Your funny as hell , and look good doing it
She looks young, is beautiful, but is totally GenX. She's funny!
Please stop stop stop immitating Nate B. Its too much b urself
Sarah's still trying… the limits of what we'll tolerate as stand up.
This was painful to watch. I’ve laughed harder at car accidents than I did at this set. She’s cute and personable, but just not funny.
Jesus Christ this is horrible
Sarah is by far one of my favorites, she is so real and hilarious, love her
She's like a female Lewis Black. She's also on the spectrum!
I know she was j/k but all that dating talk just shows you what's wrong. Modern man knows to work on himself 1st we figured out if you stop giving women attention they will start pursuing you
She so hot …. and sweet .
I like this lady
So funny , and hot , we need more southern women like her.!!! You ROCK
She seems like a wholesome southern bell but she should find a new job. She is not funny but I would like to take her on a date and build a shelf for her
Now she's Funny!
Nice try but keep trying, you can do it!
My friend dared me to watch women comedians until I laugh. I've been watching for seven days. I need sleep and a meal.
She is really annoying not funny at all.
I like her accent
This was awesome I love you
Old? She's got a big surprise coming.
She’s not funny?
i like tiana when she aint spassing all the time just felt like a record or CD skipping. Stilted and awkward.
She is funny
She's weird
I love this women.
Love Sarah Tiana
loved her on whichever roast battle season she was on too.
"Single in dayton"? Is that a sequel to "Hot in Cleavland"?
(Statement) "Women are funny"… (Sarah) "Hold my beer…"
It's funny that she's not funny
If it's taking a guy a whole day to put up a shelf…trash

shouldn't take any longer than an hr, less depending what type it is 
She is so adorable.
Not funny
what are women good at? this was hard to watch.
Not funny at all!
You are really bad.
Poor girl fly's Delta. Give her money.
6:22 Club music

12:20 Tension
Comedy Central is fucking dead lmao Philly and New York are the scenes
5 minutes in an I haven't laughed one bit. This was so cringe
I love her laugh it’s like bevus and butthead
Really good!
Funny from start to finish, and SOOO many truths lol I love it
Ladies- we don't ask where you want to eat b/c we're afraid you won't find anything on the menu. It's because we learn quickly that no matter where we pick, you'll say no and pick someplace else anyway. So we get sick of it and just ask you to save time.