A new announcement from the DEA could change everything for the future of Delta-8 (and LOTS of other things). Watch the FULL …
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Screw the DEA. How are they allowed to make laws when they aren't lawmakers?
Thats not true. The DEA saud publicly that delta8 is not a controlled substance, and is not federally illegal.
Law enforcement made a lot of money from all things weed being illegal. They would like to go back to the way it was.
I'm not worried. I can recognize a sales boosting industry campaign when I see it.
But you realize if you buy bulk delta 8 distillate and cook it in the glass it comes in, at 400° it’ll turn into delta 9, thru what is called isomerization(rearrangement of molecules) thru a chemical reaction, in this case using heat. Sulfuric acid which is what even the big dogs out in the north west pacific do. Top class brands are thca distilled into delta 9(natural conversion). The rest is chemically sped up because heating takes a bit longer.
i hope so thank god!!! who needs that shit anyways when you got Thca?
Its time to reevaluate the DEA
Ya saying the answers, grow it as good as ya can PERIOD and let a FARMER do his job and farm it.
I'm actually glad to see this. Delta 8 THC is not natural. It's deeply, chemically processed and usually contains toxic chemicals. It has made a lot of people sick, including me, the one time I tried it. The only reason it exists is because of the states that still prohibit cannabis. Stick with the real thing.
green crack ? you got cancer too?
speak to your youtube searchbar NAVY SEALS might hear you cry
they want coke and meth inthere and your smoking all the sativa like its indica xD
THC-P or pcp-weed
no bs google mutant fish and think wuhai lab leaked miscreants.
When laws are really really stupid. What can you do? Ignore it
I miss the money and I have been fukn the government for decades selling real chronic and extracts
Good thca is the only thing that should be legit and d9
I'm tired of this smoke shop shit every fukn where you look and it's all d8 and cbd
It's funny how the will of the people isn't represented by the law makers. Assholes is what they are!
Luckily, the DEA doesn't make the laws so they can think whatever they want about it.
It's not a new email, If you look at the date of the email that was released, it's before the ninth circuit Court of Appeals decision stating that Delta-8 thc is legal. You need to do your own research and stop reporting propaganda.
Good thing the DEA doesn't make laws….
Will you be making more videos for your beginners growing guide playlist?
Nobody cares what the DEA thinks. They are not congress
Delta 8 almost always gets me stoned but not without a debilitating headache. Either way fuck what's legal and what isn't I've been getting the real shit from my plug since 2018
A controlled substance bruh this ain’t fucking crack Cocaine like
hey here is a video idea for you. i recently learned that if you put hot water in your bongs its a smoother hit from having ice and cold water
the political machine are in the pocket of privatized prisons and the cartel
Thca is not a alt
If delta 8 gets banned, it won’t make a difference until they start banning all the OTHER thc. Like there’s a ton of thc, such as thcp, thco,thca,thch,thcjd,n also HHCO, HHCP n plenty more. When those get banned then there’s gonna be a problem.
The law needs to leave us pot smokers alone an go find a child molester, or a murderer or thief us pot pot smokers don’t want to hurt no one all we won’t to do is chill watch something funny on tv or Ray the fridge
Who says that they didn't just manufacture piece of paper to benefit the government you know what I'm saying they do shiesty s**the US government over the years proving that they do shiesty s** to benefit their needs
Bru it a weaker version of weed wtf
The DEA has no power. Try to come to MY house
Delta 8 is trash anyway
Delta 8 sucks anyway. Just makes me crave the real thing.
Which tier of the court system does thus apply?since we live in a completely corrupted government the laws have no meaning and only used when programming has failed
Sideshow bob its people like you who are the problem
Says who?? FCK the gov, im a free sovereign human being nobody gonna tell WE THE PEOPLE what we gotta do . Stay blessed bro
Sounds more like some good old-fashioned :
"fxck you normal people &little guys down there trying to make of your own money, not apart of or invited to UFRFC'$ Club"
Man I hope not. Delta 8 and Delta 9 Gummies be fire. JackDank Delta 8 is my favorite brand. MJ is illegal in my state and I dont want to try to buy MJ on the streets from some sketchy dealer and risk jail
see I knew this shit wasn't gonna last I had a funny feeling that they were going to get rid of the farm bill man I hate the fucking feds they just fuck everything up you might as well stock up on everything while you still can because the dark web is not going to help you as that will not be an option so I am forewarning people get everything that you can now until all the websites are sold out of product or your local smoke shop has nothing available anymore

Who cares , not gonna stop anyone. Probably not even real.
Edit: written in 2001? Stop getting these kids scared that theyre gonna lose their delta 8. A report written over 2 decades ago. Grow up.
"Wouldnt be a bad thing probably" gov control is never a good thing
This scares the shit out of me because I’ve been so happy with a company called puir select in Tennessee through the online hemp market and he makes real deal hash rosin and rosin disposables edibles and flower very top notch quality I’ve been ordering for years now in Georgia and if they change thca farmbill laws it will screw me and my rosin has helped me through my recovery from longer term opiate addiction this should b a crime!!!
this is not policy! this is an email, doesnt matter who he is! he is wrong! there is already alot of precedent for the sale of delta 8
and they consider thc illegal too. they can kick rocks