Disturbed vocalist David Draiman speaks out about the issues with mental health services in America. Disturbed is currently out on their summer tour.
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Just if it needs to be said… this not an American issue. Everything David describes goes on in The Netherlands too.
I also lost my dog after i ran over him on an accident full of bricks in my white van!! I also lost my girl during the same time!! I was lost and no one would help me! Only through his music and yeshua and all those that believe in him was i able to come together to help fight for what is true and right!!
I am not a heavy metal fan. But Disturbed's cover of The Sound of Silence is the best!
I have worked in the mental health field for over twelve years. Much of that time in crisis services programs and as a Certified Peer Counselor. I commend David and super appreciate his openness and honesty in sharing his struggles. Not only he he one of the best vocalist alive today, but he is also a magnificent advocate and role model for mental health. Thank you David with all my heart
An eighteen year old client of mine died by suicide. He stepped in front of a train earlier this year. It was so hard to process and I had to take a break, but I am ready to rejoin the fight. When my Emotional Support Animal (ESA) cat soulmate died three years ago, it was only my other ESA cat who saved me. And yes therapists that take private insurance are as rare as hen's teeth. I always worked for non-profits taking Medicaid.
Can I ask why people are in despair?
Listening to David is my therapy – lost my husband of 65 years and understand that dieing from a broken heart is real. I am living a double life, ok face and deep irresolvable dark place of depression and fallig to wishing for the end. Help – nothing.
Lost some loved ones. Its hard. I blocked it out. Kept going. You do what you have to. Good youre doing this on here.Asking for help is very human and should be commended.
I know a guy that drove big rig trucks for them

,Great musicians ,party hardcore back in the day.All he said was cocaine was hella drug with booze, the drummer was most consistent and really badass

In Canada it is at least 4 -6 month wait depending on the city one lives in to see a psychiatrist. Even getting treatment at a hospital is almost next to impossible as well. I have tried the mental health hotlines and they can only do so much. One of the things that has helped me through my dark days was listening to music
David Draiman is a good man. Mens mental health is always laking and always last to non existent help…
Obviously getting proffesional help is the number one priority for people suffering from mental health or addiction (or both wich is not uncommon). From my personal experience as someone that has lived the past 20 years with depression i think that finding people that are or have been in a similar position to yourself is also incredibly important, to be in the company of people that understand how dehabilitating the most normal everyday stuff can be and dont feel the need to explain how that feels is a big plus. What gave me that platform was the fountainhouse in my hometown (i live in sweden not USA) but the fountainhouse model originated from USA in the late 40s and there is houses all over the world that i would suggest anyone loosing control of their life to atleast look up if you are lucky enough to have one in your area. With all that said having available professional help needs to happen and its a world wide problem i feel like, once you are actually in therapy or in the system so to speak most people atleast where i live is very happy with the help they get but the fact that you need to wait atleast a year to be able to meet someone makes people mental health spiral to a point where medication is needed to be in a space where you actually get something out of therapy.
Trying to find a good counselor and one that insurance will cover is close to ridiculous.
I just found your channel. I watched his interview with the Charismatic Voice and it was excellent. I felt connected to David as I too have been through tough times with depression.
I finally saw Disturbed iIn concert about a week and a half ago. He actually stops the show to talk about his depression and loss of his friends due to mental health issues and or addiction. Obviously he was very close to Chester. He admits only his son and his fans kept him going.He asks the audience who has dealt with depression and or addiction. If so, raise your hand.
It’s unbelievable seeing how many of us raised our hands. He says look you are not alone.
A video is then played where he is speaking about mental health and suicide. A suicide hotline phone number is posted at the end.
He asks for a moment of prayer for those we lost.
I recently lost a cousin to drugs. When I talked to a grief counselor about what happened and how badly it wrecked me. I realized how much I really needed help. I’ve been sober for about 2 years now and certain raw feelings still hit a lot harder without the alcohol to deaden the pain. Stay strong and always always find someone to talk to. Even if it’s some nameless stranger at the bus stop.
I'm huge Disturbed fan and David is being very courageous to talk about it!! It's very hard for a man to admit his depression and seek help (with all the expectations that society puts on your shoulders). It's even harder to get the needed support as David said… Psychotherapists see it as a business. Ok. But you just can't trust most of them because their help doesn't seem genuine. I don't care to pay. I think it's only fair but I don't like to feel I am being taken advantage of. And I get that feeling a lot. They don't need to be my friend (of course). But they need to do their job with honesty and integrity at least. It's terrible!
I was in a parking lot of a mental health clinic once, suicidal and crying wirh a plan and called for help from my car. They said since I didnt have health insurance to cover mental health or cash to pay right then and there, they couldnt help me. I knew right then they didn't actually care about me or mental health, it was all about money. I went to the ER and the response I got was to be drugged up, they called the sheriff and they came and cuffed and shackled me and hauled me off to a hospital an hour away. All.I did was ask for help and I was denied then treated like a criminal. I was making no threats to anyone and have zero criminal history and that's how I was treated. Being treated as a common criminal is not exactly a brilliant way of making a guy.down on his luck and hating life to feel good about himself and optimistic about the future.
The hospital I went to literally did nothing other than give me medication, check vitals a couple times a day, and the doctor may come in and say hi how are you doing once every day or two.
Yes. I am not rich or famous, but I am also struggling to find competent help for my mental health issues. It's unbelievably difficult and frustrating.
I had serious bouts of depression on and off during my adult life, I understand how you feel, David. With me, it was being believed for me. Through you, indirectly, I’ve got the help I needed
You are a brave man. I remember how I felt when I lost my cat, along with my parents and brother. If I could help you, just by listening, I sincerely would
I can so relate to losing a dog mine is still here however she's 11 and i'm already feeling the sorrow
Every single day is a battle. Sometimes every moment. Anyway, if we were to lose David as well after Chester and that crazy incident with Chris Cornell… It would be absolutely devastating…. Health insurance is going into chaos along with everything else. The more I think about the big picture the more it all feels like it's all by design. Stay together, work together, help each other the best we can. We are all in this fight together!
He’s got to get rid of the demons to succeed. He started to turn to the good with Sounds Of Silence
So stop stressing you won’t get cancer peace my man
One thing David doesn't mention probably because he'd get flack for it its seen even worse as a man to show vulnerabilities like depression or addiction ect. As a man you are supposed to "man tf up" and not talk about it. People who are your friends will berate you for it, and many women out there hate you for it as well. Unless or until society gets more open about talking about problems in a more open way, this is only going to get worse. When I was personally going through crap, for the most part I just had to use stoicism to muddle through it. Shit sucks. In any case I saw Disturbed live very recently and can say David looks and sounds great and the band kick @ss. Really do like him so much, and it was a blast as well as Jinjer and BB. PS EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE JINJER LIVE
Mental health isn't a priority in America simply because it isn't profitable.
The corporations and government especially the Israel U.S U.K like us being this way with organized confusion that they benefit from because they need us to fail in order for them to succeed and profit off of
This is example you can have money family resources big house women sex popularity drugs cars new clothes friends sycophants and you can still be unhappy depressed empty and hate life and want to kill yourself just as a person who none of those things who would kill themselves to get that especially them being poor and broke as a human especially as a man life sucks
He had lost his fiancee at the time with his dog had died long before he got married and had his son
As an alcoholic David is completely wrong on addiction. I'm glad he's doing better and I think it's great he's trying to help bring to light a serious problem, but addiction is completely someone's choice.
It's hard to sympathize with individuals who see no problem in israel's systemic persecution of Palestinians all these years.
Prayers. heath care is such a business. And mental health care is even worse mainly because there's lack of funding and amount of facilities etc. Since COVID it's just crazy. This situation goes to show you it's the fundaments that make or break us. Lack of support in our personal lives. I'm shocked he wasn't able to get any help. Praying for him and others in that situation