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24 thoughts on “Beat Cannabis Anxiety Today With These 3 Easy Tricks

  1. Ive had horrible anxiety pretty much every time Ive done enough to affect me overall.. which sucks cause Im talking 1 hit of anything… up until I got on methadone and realized it really mixes well, shits so potent today 1 hit from anything and Im stone pony.. had semi anxiety first go but just got outta my head and felt the euphoria for the first time, and it was amazing.. now its almost like a psychedelic potentiator but Im glad I was able to get some positives out of it.. great for appetite also. Not reccomending people try opioids btw, unless youre medicated normally.

  2. Iam smoking for 18 years and I can tell you stop. Stop when there is some time left. You are doing irreversible changes to the brain. Cannabis is not treatment.

  3. I wish you do a state to state law on Hemp and THC and THCA .. like I can’t understand the laws of smoke in Arkansas. Lol. I’m buying THCA but if I’m driving with it and not burning can I still go to jail over it ?

  4. i get that it started about age 31 or 32 im 39 now, i found that more Limonene and indica dominant strains that just CLOBBER n couch lock you, immediate munchies and tired-ness after is what agrees with me more nowadays.
    i love being old and only needing like 2 hits to get faded😅 i can put edibles DOWN Though and i never have like extreme bad trip type edible experiences. i have definitely over did them and puked before lol that sucks, puking off edibles HURTS your stomach dude.

  5. I get it alot now, alot of people I talk to get it to. I havnt even had any for like a year cause of it. I'm not sure what's causing this new wave of weed nervousness.

  6. I had 3 severe weed induced panic attacks over the past 2.5 years or so. Once I took stock of just how MUCH weed I was using (smoke, edibles and in my tea all put together), it was clear that I was over using by a huge margin. These days, I make sure to take roughly 2-3 hits of pure CBD for every hit of THC infused weed. This seems to have done the trick. It also helps w/ sleep patterns.

  7. I've been in the industry for almost 12 years , been budtending since 2016. This is a beautiful video, I try to educate the public daily, but only about 10% of those that come in care about knowledge. Keep doing your thing buddy!!

  8. I smoked heaps for about 30 years. About 2 grams a day, mostly buying it but growing indoors hydro on and off for a bit too and the last few years I've been growing and ended up about doubling the amount I was smoking. So about 4 grams a day or in other words about an ounce a week or maybe even a bit more. I'm mildly disabled with back issues, on a pension and don't work. So smoking weed was about all I bloody did. And the last few years have been really stressful as my dad got lung cancer and passed away and I thought I was handling it all alright until I spent a heap of money on a pinball machine which was meant to be a dream come true but it just made me anxious asf and I thought it was just a culmination of those things and was only just starting to realise the weed was actually making the anxiety worse when I put my back out really badly over doing things in general but then lifting the pinball machine in a way I shouldn't of been and I knew it but in hindsight it was because the weed was making me anxious and angry. So anyway ended up in a shitload of pain and was in the hospital over night and didn't smoke for about 24 hours for the first time in a long time and came home and started smoking again and realised not only was it making me anxious but it was also making the pain worse. My back was out for a month or more before I found someone who could do muscle manipulation and put it right again. Came home feeling good and smoked a few cones and all of a sudden the weed started making me feel really fkn hot, like I was burning up. I was like wtf?? This has never happened before. And it kept doing it. Think I did some nerve damage in my back as my left shoulder gets really hot now even if I'm not smoking. I've got a referral to see a neurosurgeon but haven't seen him yet. And I can't smoke or vape anything now as it just makes me dry asf, like intense cotton mouth. I was vaping a bit before bed to knock me out and it was getting me ripped asf no problems but I think it's a change in my anti depression meds doesn't agree with the weed and now I just get crazy dry mouth. So I went from smoking a ridiculous amount for about 30 years to having to quit cold turkey. So anyway, if you've made it this far through this novel of a ride thanks for reading it and I hope you're having better luck with the weed than I ended up bloody having. 🤷♂😕

  9. I can't smoke because I go into a deep, DEEP, and very dark depression. I also become overwhelmed with anxiety. Ill start obsessing about the fact that im going to experience death someday. The anxiety is overwhelming. Im hopeful that trying a product with higher cbd will help. Im also in treatment for survivors guilt.

  10. I think that if you are panicking when you smoke weed as a regular smoker is because you have some truth burried in you that you are not ready to accept kind of like with shrooms but in a more suddle way

  11. been a long time follower and just so happy for you and your channel growth!!! sucks so much about the demonization, one day people will hopefully gain common sense. anyways, love your videos and all that goes into it!

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