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Lyle Forever
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Why the foxes wtf
If you’re gonna do crime you should at least know what the jail time is. Come on.
Waste not want not
“These are like Adderall, Xanax and stuff right?”
“No those actually get used”
That’s a felony 100%, lol no maybe
Dude its felony per pill………
People in pharmacies do a whole lot of weird shit from giving head to get higher pay or just taking prescription medications to get high. It's a fraternity.
Pp helpers
"You mean like adderal and Xanax and shit?"
"No like pp helpers"
You just went from prison time to jail just time but still pretty bad.
You are better off taking oxys, you get in the exact same type of trouble.
Thaat's a felony
Are these real calls or jokes I can never tell
All the viagra ive thrown in the woods is turning the frickin frogs gay
If she’s calling in asking about it, she already knows she should stop and it’s wrong and clearly bothering her inner moral compass.
The funny thing is though noone care cause its penis pills
its funny how overlooked these are. The black market for these is absolutely massive though!
Worked in a pharmacy for a contract and imo (assuming she's not knowingly selling contaminated or opened) is it really immoral?
I hate the idea of mindless waste because "One man's trash is another man's treasure" but it's not really feasible to have someone inspect everything that comes in for "disposal"
Honestly, I hope she's doing well, but I also hope she lost her pharmacists license or whatever. People like her just casually doing sketchy and illegal shit and laughing about it are the reason why millions of people don't trust medical professionals.
Thought it involved sex
Thank you fnaf for the mattussy

Somewhere there is a DEA agent that got assigned to a case due to a therapy gecko video, and that is hilarious to me.
Holy mother of f**** god. I work in a pharmacy and this is like federal crime. I wouldn't even admit this over a podcast, she probably has someone investigating her now. Like that's how serious they take this.
This girl over here trifling with big pharma…
This woman needs a reality check, she doesn't seem to grasp the severity of what she's doing.
Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need
As someone who's worked in a pharmacy, idk how pills are just getting "thrown away" but… yeah, hella illegal, 100% jail time, but respect the hustle
she can %100 go to jail
As a fox I can confirm I am hard
hoping this is fake because I'm pretty sure pharmacy techs have to go through a LOT before they get the job. not knowing that's a serious crime is insane
Hey at first I thought she was straight selling narcotics and shit
great advice
Isn't Viagra like, barely regulated? You can just fill in a form online declaring you have trouble keeping it up sometimes and get it.