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Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.
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2000 Use of Force Policy (NJ Attorney General)-
2022 Use of Force Policy (NJ Attorney General)-
NJ State Police Mission Statement-
Bergen County PD Mission-
New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice Model Rules and Regulations-
N.J. Stat. § 2C:29-1-
Bryant v. Camden County-
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I had this happen once at my old job. I worked in the bakery section and was helping a customer when suddenly the produce guy showed up. It was chaos after that…
I'm with the rookie Trooper on this. The public need protecting from 'Roided-up goons in plain clothes and body armour thinking they're fucking Delta Force operators.
this is just a friendly conversation in new joisy
Watching and listening to them just adds to the NJ stereotype attitude that makes me not want to ever visit what seems to be a beautiful place to see.
This hardly ever happens. That trooper had something up his ass for some reason, I bet there is history between these deputies and the troopers there.
Meanwhile, the motorist who was initially stopped took the opportunity to slide away unnoticed
So, normal New Jersey?
That plain clothesed deputy, of all people ,should understand exactly why the Trooper stopped and requested the deputies identity
I actually feel bad for the law-abiding citizens who were pulled over by a plain-clothes officer when a state trooper entered the scene with a bad temper and on a power trip.
To the state trooper in this video: You harassed a plain-clothes officer and kept him from doing his job wjile he was conducting a traffic stop. This is the reason why you lost your law-enforcemnt career and your freedom. When you unholstered your firearm, you also terrified law-abiding citizens.
Theres a huge difference between ID ing someone and drawing your service weapon on them. The trooper in my opinion is lucky to be alive. This could have turned out seriously bad. The trooper drew his weapon putting thenother officer in fear for his life. What would you do? Think about it. The only thing that kept this from turning tragic was the plain clothed officer and his experience. Once his weapon was holstered he deserved and got a chewing out. A+ to the plain clothed officer. F- to the rookie out of control trooper. Wow. Very close to a tragedy.
You know who I am. So, troopers can't be impersonated? This is way more serious that the narrator is stating. This raises the question wether the trooper has the mentality to be a law enforcement officer. Clearly he doesn't have the ability to maintain control of his self. If he acts like this with fellow officers, how does he act with the public? He doesn't have what it takes to be a law enforcement officer. He's a loose cannon as we call it.
Trooper gets an "F".
They are from Jersey….I grew up there. It's how police act all the time. 90% of idiots make it bad for 10% of good civilian leos
State Trooper sees a MINI VAN… Pulled someone over, yes they "could" demand ID. However would it not be better to run the plate to see if he is dealing with an undercover police officer? I think they all could have handled this much better. But obviously these police officers suffer from "I am a cop" syndrome. Do not question my authority.. Well they both clashed as their egos over rode their professionalism.
rookie needs to get sacked. not worth having him serve.
Unbelievable! The child-like behavior from all these officers is unacceptable.
A “cop” that won’t show his ID and respect other cops isn’t a very good “cop.” And shouldn’t be a walking asshat.
Are usually always agree or can see your reasoning for your opinions but on this one I have to lean towards that Statie…. And his area of operation there were multiple instances of police impersonation so his elevated alertness is completely understandable…… Could he have articulated that more quickly absolutely but you can’t blame him for that
Jersey cops are horrible. They violate anything they can. They will try to impound your shoes for simply walking
Public servants have to ID themselves, period! Both of them were supposed to exchange badge and department info!
Do away with unmarked police vehicles for traffic stops. Problem solved.
When qualified immunity meets qualified immunity…
LEOs and steroids not a good combination
Ego vs ego
trooper needs more trainning
Out of control cop shizit
Sooo doesn't this trouble anyone that these are the people who are protecting us?
I've seen better interactions on a playground.
Even cops hate cops.
The Trooper should be put to a desk and forced to take anger management course.The Bergen Cops mouths poured fire on it when they are veteran officers very unprofessional. Both get 1 month off upaid.
All I see is three people that should be stripped of their badge and gun and forced to undergo anger management classes for 10 years.
I have seen more belligerent cops than most have seen in a lifetime.