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These 5 changes to the 2023 Farm Bill could bring and end to the legal loopholes with have been seeing in this industry for years.


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38 thoughts on “Is This The END Of Delta-8 & THC-A? 2023 Farm Bill

  1. I drank for 23 years, quit last May, been using hemp products, would be turbo outraged except Ohio just legalized regular THC and as long as that works out I'm getting a slight upgrade if the cost remains manageable, currently getting 3.3g mix cannabinoid dis hemp vape for 25$ so we'll see 🤞

  2. As someone that lives in a state thats only medical, and unable to acquire a medical card because some doctors wanna say it aint for me. I think weed needs to be legal. Nothing is wrong with thca. Its kept me from going on the street and buying laced weed. Doing things illegally. And being safe. So i dont see nothing wrong with thca

  3. 2:06 Well, There ya go, end of Content. IF these law makers thing Legalizing HEMP brought on intoxicating products they dont have a clue what they are talking about, Clearly. If they think HeMp makes intoxicating products they need fired from Law Making immediately. Using bad Science is as bad as Out right lying about election results. Its Fascist.

  4. We need a cannabis cologne. Make your government buildings, police stations, etc.. reek of the flower. They wanna FAFO. So be it.
    In the words of George Washington: “Let the hemp seed be sown.

  5. Unpopular opinion but the only reason you have to use altnoids in a legal state is if you are underage.

    The dispo wont sell to you but big homie at the gas station probably will.

  6. I’m a med user and there prices are way over then street prices but I know what I geting and the government just wants your money they don’t care about how it helps you the state will help we need more people in each state to write are reps

  7. It’s funny to watch history continue to be written as it foils the riches plans. I’m just saying people will always find a way to make a come up 🤷🏼

  8. They’ve created more of an issues with the term, legal hemp) A term that has mutated the medical effects) the stigma still lingers) if marijuana is a medicine then y don’t they want ppl to have it

  9. God I hope so. I can't stand this recent lab refined cannibinoid FAD. Nothing is wrong with the plant as it grows. They need to just lay off the standard natural cannabis.

  10. Its time to boycott it all…Stop buying alcohol and weed from stores and fight for the freedom that is promised in America…Any politician that speaks against your freedom is a threat…We dont need laws for alcohol or weed…

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