Paramore singer Hayley Williams went off on incels in her comments, criticizing the band for postponing a few shows. Paramore is currently on their North American tour.
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Unbearable woman.
What does an internet comment about a band have to do with someone never having s*x, being involuntarily celibate although they’d like a partner, I presume? I must be missing a lot of context that’s weird asf we went from talking about concerts to being inside someone?
Incels > Paramore.
OMG she called people incels!! Give me a break
Didn't know Paramore were still around. She seems miserable
They only way for this band to stay relevant is by fighting
Where my incels at?
Who is Paramore? Do they have a hit that people like?
imagine being haley williams and acting the way she does at almost 40 years old with no husband or kids. we are about to see a trainwreck character arc over the next few years as she realizes the choices and decisions she has made throughout her life as brought her nothing but depression and lonliness. id feel bad for her if she didnt sell her soul to the devil for fame and fortune. time to sit back and watch the fireworks – its going to be one hell of a show lol.
Probably only learned what an incel is then decided to use the term.
I love her
I sorry to hear about her lung infection. And I love her no matter what. But I just wanted her and everyone to know to take constructive criticism, not trolling because it helps you. Also It ok to have a crush on her and have "fantasy" of her. Just saying
Yikes. I’m getting to hate Hayley Williams even more every time she opens her mouth. She’s nothing more but a narcissistic, psychopathic woke singer who hates her own fans. Pathetic.
She's always been an industry plant. Her and her parents treated the original Paramore members like trash. She's a garbage human being.
Blah blah all these people just love listening to them selves talk
love, you've slept with every guitar player you've ever had. If you're gonna say the behavior of critique makes you an incel then i dub thee a slut. Equal rights, right?
Hayley calling out incels, meanwhile she is a 34 year old woman that doesn't have kids, has never been able to keep a relationship, and promotes degeneracy to her fading fanbase, Josh Farro warned yall about her over a decade ago.
Ironically, the term incel was invented by a woman. A quick internet search would show this.
You know, for somebody who runs her mouth and takes shots at people she doesn't agree with CONSTANTLY, she sure has a thin skin when she gets some of it back. Enough with the "strong woman" BS, no, people don't have a problem with strong women. They have a problem with arrogant self-righteous hypocrites. And yes, she absolutely deserves the backlash, she's brought it on herself.
Seems like a bunch of clowns can dish it out, but can't take it back in return, some have seemingly come here to express their feelings and cry about it.
No wonder some of you can't get laid, you start crying like bitches when someone calls you a name.
Imagine crying because a celebrity called some toxic muppets incels.
Shes totally justified cancelling the shows and even clapping back at whiny people that are complaining she didnt perform with a lung infection but i think she did it very poorly. getting super snarky with your fanbase and name calling is stooping to the haters level, not taking the high road.
If we read the almost 50/60% of the comments here we see criticisms on how Hayley answer to the internet attack. It's strange because it seems that the problem is the answer or the bad words and not the attack, cause she's famous she has to get any insult without any reaction because it's wrong for many people, but these people are seriously wrong. I think that there is a great problem for some people if they can't separate and analyze the things correctly…it's a really worrying fact.
I am a singer and there’s no way in hell you’re gonna get me on stage with a bunch of people when I have a lung infection it could totally destroy the rest of her singing career .
Thank you Rock Feed for always being decent and fair in these reports
You see how they called her a c*nt and you guys aren’t phased, but she calls some none specific person an incel and she’s the Devil?
Im so happy to see the sexism in rock challenged. Thats what im here for
Its unfortunate that she speaks without thinking. She will come to regret it later on.
Corey Taylor broke his neck and postponed our show for three months… Let these people take the time they need to heal
I think she's making herself look incredibly childish by responding that way.
Can't sing if you can't breathe.
Love the shirt bro!
The more she reveals the type of person she is, the more difficult it becomes to listen to and enjoy her music. Super disappointing to see this level of immaturity.
They canceled San Francisco date and she was sick.
I think this is hilarious lol
Weird incel lifestyles? I think thats the LGBTQ
Everytime I hear any term like incel or strong woman I just tune out. If anything as an artist you should try to compensate the people who are willing to pay to see your show. I understand that stuff comes up and maybe you have to cancel, but you´re also messing with people´s time.
Calling men incels won't work out for you.
Its just interesting… She claimed for so long that she had some epiphany and matured on "Misery Business", but is now broadly generalizing her critics as "hopless virgins!!" – Sounds like she still has a lot of growing up to do.
Paramores a load of shit
Oh wow, I subbed a while back but never really watched any of these videos before. A shame the rock community has fallen so far as to be full of incels and conservatives, completely going against what it initially stood for. Where's the rebellion? The non-conforming to societal standards? Utterly pathetic…
Hey, Nice shirt dude
Correct she can't sing on lung infection but the whole we have it hard being away and it affects our immune, get a good diet sorted for tour and your making millions
Common woke feminist L. And people want this clown to headline "good things" in australia. 0:32 chad gray singing for mudvane would say otherwise. 1:08 Nicko for electric callboy.
I smell career suicide coming.
Strong woman

dude we al just thought you were hot now we are in our 30s and wondering wtf happened to you.
so tired of people I like coming out as psychotic leftist.